Monday, February 28, 2011

One more for February

Yes yes, I know. It's been faaaarrr too long. Here's why I haven't been on in a while... The weekend after Valentine's day I had a horse show. My parents and sister came up for a visit AND it was Chris and Raisa's 21st birthdays. So that was a busy weekend altogether.
That weekend in a nutshell:
Thursday- family got in and I went out to dinner with them.
Friday-Prep for the show, cook dinner for family, mice got in a fight and there was blood everywhere.
Saturday-Show all day, team won 1st, I won 3rd, DK and Rochelle both came to see me (THANKS!! I really appreciate it), buy a second cage to separate mice, and get ready for the birthday party. The party theme was superheroes and there were SOOOOO many people who showed up. Everyone got incredibly wasted because, well let's face it, two of my best friends are turning 21 one day apart. You just have to party hard.
Sunday-Walk a horse, piece together last night, and breakbeats practice. I also had to say bye to my wonderful family but I will be seeing Mom and Rendi soon (spring break to be exact) and Dad I'll see in May for grad.

The next week after that was the death of me.
Monday-Chris's real birthday. I took him out to a bar to use his ID for real.
Tuesday-Massive headaches and midterm for Sociology of Emotions (of course I stressed).
Wednesday-Low and behold, I'm sick. FAN-FREAKIN-TASTIC.
Thursday-Fever and body aches. Stayed in bed through breakbeats.
Friday-Supposed to leave for Philly so that I could present my capstone at the Eastern Sociological Conference. But of course the weather decided to bring in snow and cover the ground in gross icy snow so that we couldn't get to the train. I end up not going because by the time I would be able to get into Philly, I would have missed my presentation timeslot. Too much stress to try and figure it out, I just said no :(
Saturday-I go to the hockey playoffs and watch Skidmore get their asses handed to them by Babson. Sad, but still and exciting game nonetheless. Their season is officially over but so it goes. The lacrosse game which was supposed to be at Skidmore on this day was moved to Sunday at 3 at Babson (yea hockey ended their season with Babson while lax started with them).
Sunday-Wished Tyler luck at the game saying that Babson's hockey team pissed me off so I wanted them to kill their lax team. They ended up winning but it was close. Good thing a win is a win. Their next home game is not until March 19th and I won't even be here for it. Spring break ends on the 20th so I won't be back on campus until then. But I will be cheering for them all season!!

So now on to the future... What is there to say?? Mediation training is being completed this weekend so that's very exciting. There's also a Hartwick Show this weekend. WISH US LUCK FOR ALL THAT AND MORE!! Also, spring break is coming up in 2 weeks and I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited. I'm flying to San Fransisco to see Fink for a couple of days. I get in on March 11th and get to spend the weekend with him :) I've been counting down the days since December!! Just a little background on him, he graduated from Skidmore and he was on the baseball team. Yes, he was one of the ones I danced "on" in the stairwell of Wilmarth my freshman year. He went to Australia to study abroad (just like me!!) and we met in intro to teaching last spring. So we've known each other for a while but never really hung out until the pen game in ed103. Then I'm going up to OSU-Cascades and UPS with Mom and Rendi (I think). Then it's back to Skidmore for the Lax and Baseball seasons :D This semester is wrapping up fairly fast but of course I'll keep you updated through all of it.... Well at least I'll try. You'll DEFINITELY get an update for spring break :) And as soon as I hear from OSU-Cascades and UPS, you'll hear from me. Until then... Laters!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's day

Am I allowed to be cynical today?? I know it's supposed to be all about love and happiness but honestly, IT'S A HALLMARK HOLIDAY!!!!!!!! All this day represents is the fact that Hallmark wanted more revenue so they created a day to celebrate love, which btw should be celebrated EVERY DAY. There are about 20-30 deliveries of flowers on the 3rd floor of case where I work. I have the lovely task of signing for them, calling the recipient to come pick it up, and handing it over when they arrive. Is it a sign that I'm actually feeling kinda sick from the overwhelming smell all the flowers are leaving as they pass in and out of the office?? I know I'm from Hawaii and flowers should be like my second soul but really, having to sift through 30 arrangements searching for the one that belongs to that person standing in front of me awkwardly waiting for a delivery they didn't know was coming on the most ridiculous holiday of the year, makes me a little nauseous. Call me a cynic if you want, but I prefer the term realist. So I don't believe in romantic love. I'm not the only one who doesn't believe it. Chris is my Valentine but I made him promise he wouldn't do anything for me. I just wanted to be able to say that I had a Valentine so I wouldn't sound like such a cynic of I HATE VALENTINE'S DAY. To all of you who are in love, I don't judge you for being super lovey dovey happy on cloud 9, so don't judge me for not wanting to celebrate this "holiday." I'm happy for you and congratulations for finding happiness. Just stop telling me that Valentine's is a special day to celebrate it because it shouldn't be. Every day should be special enough to spend with your special someone. Think about it: do you really want flowers when you expect it?? Or would you rather have flowers sent to you when you're not expecting it?? Would you rather have a present just because?? Or a present because s/he is told to give you a present by a random holiday that says, "Don't forget to love your partner today"??

I know so far this hasn't been an update but since the last time I updated you only two things happened.... 1: I placed second in my class for riding (it was a practice show so it doesn't count towards or against anything). 2: I helped out with mediation training this weekend. I LOVE MEDIATION TRAINING!! It makes me feel so much better about everything. This coming weekend my parents and sister are coming up to visit for the real show on the 19th. EXCITING!! Cookie G's birthday is on the 20th and Chris's bday is the 21st. We're gonna have a ton of stuff to celebrate this weekend. I feel like time is going by so quickly but at the same time so slowly. I don't really know what to think. I can't wait until spring break. I get to visit Fink for a little bit in SF, how awesome!! Can't wait to see you sweetheart!! (For the record, we're not dating or in a relationship, we just call each other sweetheart.) I think that's all for now. Until then... Laters

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Update you?? Update me!!

Hey everyone?? I know I haven't been updating you in a while but I have a very good reason for that. First, life. Let's take this category by category.

Classes: Not terrible, not awesome. Sociology of Emotions is turning out to be quite the interesting class. So many majors thrown into one class to learn from one another. Dance for the Child is kinda amazing. I'm in the class with so many of my friends that I thought I would never see before I graduated. Of course my ex and his current gf have to be in that class acting all couple-y together (BLEH!!) but I still have fun regardless. She likes to give me dirty looks because she's also in my Pilates class with me. Oh and did I mention my ex is also in my singing class too?? WTF mate?! (Yes I just stole that from the end of the world). Oh yea I should also probably remind you that my ex doesn't like to acknowledge that I exist. So.... recap, this semester will be entertaining to say the least. One thing's going for me though... SO377 Presenting sociological research. I absolutely LOVE my major and the people in it. We've gotten pretty close last semester and we will now be getting closer when we travel to Philly together in 2, count 'em, TWO weeks!! We'll all be presenting our projects (or something we've done for our major) and we'll have a blast. Too bad it's on the same weekend as so much more... Which brings me to my next category, Grad School.

More like grad school apps: I heard back from OSU Cascades and I am invited to the personal interview day. This means that I qualify to be accepted at the school, I'm just waiting to hear back from the program to see if I got in. EXCITING!! But again, too bad it's the same weekend as my presentation in Philly :/

Riding: I'm showing this weekend and next weekend (both home shows). This is the first show of the semester and it's a practice one but one that matters nonetheless. I've fallen in love with the sport and can't help but want to ride all the time (regardless of how many times I complain that going to practice is such a pain). There are 4 shows this semester and only 3 of them can I possibly go to. The fourth is the same weekend as the conference, the interview day, AND West Point's Formal (yea I was invited but of course life gets in the way and says "too bad so sad, you can't go"). Like I said, the weekend of the 25th just has wayy too much going on. But on the plus side, my parents and sister will be visiting the weekend of the 19th for my home show that counts towards my points :) again, EXCITING!!

Friends: I made some new friends this year and this semester I am thanking every God that could possibly exist for them being in my life. The first one I am so blessed to have in my life is Chris. He has kept me so incredibly calm for the first month of school. Everyone knows that I stress way too much. Chris has been the one to somehow manage to get me to breathe, take a step back, kill him if I must (JK), and just relax. It really helps me out to be part of Fight Club with him because we're both trained mediators and conflict coaches so it's nice to be able to talk to someone and have him surf back what I say without letting his own biases or judgments rule what he wants to say. Thanks Chris (who btw is my valentine this year :P). Also I'd like to acknowledge Fight Club for being the crew to step up and help me out with my newest passion of helping high school freshmen. Nick, Nat, Johanna, and Chris are so great in helping me give conflict resolution and awareness workshops. I couldn't have done it without you guys!! I can't wait for our next adventure together :)

I think that's all I have for an update for now. I'll keep reminding myself to update this blog as the semester goes on.... Until then, Laters!