Tuesday, August 30, 2011

It's Official

I officially suck at blogging (it's been a month!!). I am officially 1/8th of a counselor. I have officially been working at Aloha Cafe for a month. I have officially hurt my hand (no clue what I did). I officially belong to a studio.

So here's what you've missed in the last month...

School: Report card's in and I got a 3.9 :) It's not a 4.0, which heaps of people got this term :/ but it's still better than I've gotten in the past. New goal, 4.0 for the next 7 terms and I will hopefully graduate with a 4.0. It's possible. I've seen it happen. I start next term in 3 weeks and I'm pretty nervous for it. I hear that it sucks significantly more than last term. But I AM excited to be going back soon. I miss having something to work on every night.

Friends: I haven't seen my friends here in about a week or so. I hung out with them a couple times after term ended but it was only weekend encounters. We all realized how much money we've spent over last term and how much we needed to stop going out. Unfortunately, saving money means less encounters when we're not in class together. They did hang out with J3 and me last last weekend when he was here. It was cool that they got to meet him :)

Boys: I was asked out by a 19-year-old. That was a bit of a weird one. J3 realized that he missed me and came up to visit two weeks ago :) I hadn't seen him since July 4th. We hit a rough patch at the end of July and he suggested we not talk for a couple days. A week after that, we started talking again and admited the uselessness of that "dry spell" as I like to call it. For us a dry spell is not talking. He thought that not talking to me would help him figure out what he wants but he said it didn't hep at all. He pretty much just got more confused. So now we're talking again. What will happen?? Your guess is as good as mine. I don't know what to think anymore. The only thing I do know is that I love him and until he moves on, I won't move on.

Misc: I work at Aloha Cafe and LOVE it!! It's a lot of fun and I get paid. So essentially I get paid to have fun :) I'm making new friends through the restaurant as well as through The Vibe. That's the studio I dance at. I love dancing there because I feel so at home there. Everyone is super nice and I get to freak them out by saying, "I'm 22 and moved here for grad school." They all thought I was 17/18 for a month. That was really funny. My counseling sessions are going great and I'm almost done with the required 10 sessions. Then I'll stop having $85 taken from my account every week. That's where most of my money is going to right now :/ Time feels like it's going by so fast yet so slow. I have everything for the year all planned out to the best of my ability. It makes my life so much more manageable. I'll be sure to try to update you more often. Until then... Laters