Sunday, March 16, 2014

Consistency=no blog post

Hey hey bloggers! As my title states... consistency=no blog post. At least for last week. There really wasn't anything exciting that happened two weeks ago but I did have an opportunity to practice my Chinese this weekend :D So here's what happened:
I've been going to the gym almost every night for the last two weeks. I've picked up a bunch of dance and yoga words in Chinese. I'm getting pretty good at dancing with Chinese commands telling me what to do. Then on Wednesday a student asked me to help with Community Day. I said yes and he asked me to teach people a dance. Then he asked me if I needed a translator because we'll be in the community, not at school. I decided I didn't want a translator so I worked on my vocab for teaching a dance class in Chinese. Well of course I had no idea who would be in my dance class. It could've been teenagers, kids, adults, elderly folks.... Anyone really. So Saturday morning I get dressed, get picked up by a student's parent, and off we went to do our volunteer work. The whole time we were there was supposed to be awareness spreading. We handed out reusable bags with our school's logo on them, metal chopsticks, and spoons. Community day (according to one of our admins) has two purposes: 1. to help our community and 2. get the students out of their comfort zones to become more productive members of society. Well I think with my dance class, they were definitely out of their comfort zones. Dance isn't really a common pass time here. Music, sure. Studying, of course! Dance... not so much... unless it's tradition Chinese dance. So dance for the sake of dance is hard to convince people to do. Anyway, we get to our site and I see what I'm working with. Mostly there are grandparents, parents, and 2 year olds running around. So with my school's students, I had a nice mix of ages. I taught them a dance to Jack Johnson's The Three R's and they seemed to all love it. I proudly shouted commands in Chinese and even spoke with some of the kids. Apparently I have the vocabulary of a 2 year old because I could hold conversations with them no problem! There was one little boy who wouldn't leave my side. He kept dancing to the music I was playing.... SO ADORABLE!!!!! It made me miss my cousins' kids so much.

Anyway, so that's the story of the week :) I got to use my Chinese, the weather here is warm and sunny with minimal pollution, which makes everyone in such a better mood than I've ever seen them, and today is St. Patrick's day so I'm allowing myself a piece of chocolate cake from the Irish Pub in town. I'm pretty excited for it :P Hopefully more excitement will happen throughout the next few days so that I have something to share with you all. But hey, if my schedule remains consistent, I'm not gonna complain. Even if that means having nothing to write about. Keep your fingers crossed for the weather to hold this nice! Until then... Laters!

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