Sunday, January 9, 2011

update 2

Christmas was when the REAL exhaustion took place. I had to try to schedule a bunch of hang out sesh’s with my friends since they left before I got back from DC. Special shout out to Zan for being there for me through EVERYTHING despite being blown off and ditched by me…. Why ARE you still my friend?? Haha JK. I know I don’t acknowledge you enough Zan but I really do love having you as one of the few I still talk to from MPI.

Sunday and Monday night: Hung out with Isaac and the Kalaheo crew for Jed’s 21st birthday. MAN-O-MAN was that fun. Jed, do you remember what happened this night?? I have some of it on film :) again, a lot of it is on fb for your records lol. It was a crazy night of Kailua bar hopping. For the record, yes I was one of three girls with 15-20 guys, most from Kalaheo if not all, and majority of them in some branch of the military. There were even four of Jed’s friends from the Naval Academy out here to help celebrate. On Monday there was only the crew I knew… the ones from Miss Outstanding. I liked that night a little better because it was more my pace and I wasn’t with a bunch of people I didn’t know. Nevertheless, I made some new friends and reconnected with old friends I never thought I would see again :). Also on Monday night I went to Colin’s house to hang out with a bunch of MPI kids who, again, I never thought I’d see again. It was nice to see them all again even though I didn’t hang with them in high school that much (I didn’t have a life in high school and I still barely have one). It was interesting to see how everyone changed. A pretty eye opening experience haha. *For the record, I saw Zan this night so I didn’t TECHNICALLY ditch out on him completely :P. I promise we’ll meet up again in the future Zan… Even if I have to fly to where ever you’re stationed when you become some crazy Navy officer haha.

Tuesday: Hung out with my Tony Stark and went to dinner with the fam. Not much to say here since Tony and I talk a fair amount… even if I am drunk dialing him 75% of the time haha ;) I’ll see him again when I get back from DC.

Wednesday: Saw Erin and Dr. Grandpa Moose Kelso :D This was a fun day. We hung out and talked and just got caught up with everything that was going on. We talked a lot about the future, which seemed a lot more daunting this time since it was literally just a hop, skip, and jump over to the present. Kelso is headed to med school—CONGRATS!! And Erin is gonna apply to become a CSI (So exciting to hear that she’s doing that since I’m obsessed with that show. Just please don’t ruin the show for me, Erin haha).

Thursday: Packed and cleaned the birds’ cages. That’s pretty much it.

Friday: LEFT FOR DC!! So sorry to everyone who left already and I didn’t get to hang out with you. Mandi, I’ll be sure to come see you sometime in the near future. Idk when or where but I’ll track you down after graduation and visit again just for you :). Leanna, I’ll hang out with you when I come back (you too Erin). Carolyn, WE MISS YOU!! Stop saving the world for a couple weeks and come hang out with us!! Everyone else, keep reading for the updates on the exciting week in DC. Until then… Laters

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