Friday, July 19, 2013

I'm Back! (Again)

Hey bloggers! Sorry I've been MIA since ummm.... a year and a half ago? Wow. That's insane. But you know how life just kinda happens. So here's the quick one paragraph update: I graduated with my Master's in Counseling.  Jeremy and I lived together since November 2011. On my 24th birthday we decided that moving from Bend together (to anywhere) was just logistically not smart.  We wanted to live together in Seattle but I couldn't find work up there and if we committed to living together, we'd be committing to each other for another year and he (and later I) was just not sure that we could commit to another year together. So we decided to go our separate ways once our lease for our apartment ends. I was heartbroken but now I'm over it because... wait for it.... I GOT A JOB IN CHINA!! I signed a 2 year contract to be an admissions counselor so I will be taking off in about a month to start my adventure as a licensed counselor in Jinan.  So that's really the real reason I decided to start my blog back up again.

Facebook is blocked in China so I will be using this to update you all on my adventures.  If you have any questions you want me to answer, then you'll just have to email me. Otherwise, enjoy the stories that I will hopefully be bringing to you. I promise to try extra hard to remember to update on a bi-weekly if not weekly basis. I can't wait to get started! But for now, as I wrap things up in Bend, it's off to continue packing.  It's funny how even after you've packed up three boxes worth of blankets and clothes, you still have three rooms worth of crap to pack up! How did I accumulate so much stuff in two years?! The world may never know. Oh well. Write soon. Until then... Laters!

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