Thursday, August 1, 2013

The next episode

Hey Bloggers. So as the title suggest, I'm here to talk about the next episode of my life.  If every year of my life were an episode, we'd be on episode 24.  And as you may recall, the last episode ended very poorly.  It was tear-filled and dramatic. But hey, who doesn't like a little drama every now and then.  And honestly, isn't that what keeps your attention from episode to episode, series to series? I'll admit, even I enjoy a little bit of drama from time to time. So here's to the next episode.  I'm getting ready to go on a new adventure and I'm feeling very mixed about the whole thing.  I'm excited to have this opportunity but sad to be leaving a lot behind as I take it.  I'm anxious to get going since everything in this process as thus far been very last minute but at the same time I'm so exhausted from constantly going that I really just wanna sit back and relax for a little while.  Like I said, very mixed.  For the time being, I'm just focusing on the here and now.  Speaking of which, I'm currently in J3's hometown taking a bit of a vaca from life.  Sadly, this may be the last time I ever get to visit his childhood home.  I love this house and town and especially the people who reside here.  I wish it weren't an option but sadly, I may never get back into this house. So for the time, I'm making the most out of home-cooked meals, family dinners, and awesome company.  I'm only here for a few days so I guess I'll get going and start enjoying myself.  The next time I check in will probably be when I've got my plane ticket in hand and jetting off to China.  Until then... Laters.

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