Sunday, November 3, 2013

Gossip Drama!

Hello hello my blog readers! Here's the latest in the adventures of China. So last week, as I mentioned, I got sick :( It took exactly a week but now I'm 100% good as new :D On Monday and Tuesday I was pretty much just miserable because I had a sore throat, runny nose, slight cough... you know the usual. The fun part was that my officemates (people I share an office with) kept giving me foods to help me get better. Sesame seeds, ginger tea, some other stuff I have no clue what it was... the point is that it was all FOOD! They know what's up ;P And low and behold, one week later, I'm cured! Quickest cold everrrrrrrrr. Yay Chinese friends!

In other news: I had another year 12 meeting with our administrator and year 12 staff. B pretty much micromanages EVERYTHING so we all get really annoyed. He took my TOEFL classes from me AGAIN. We also had major drama in our meeting. So basically every subject is supposed to have a midterm exam. However, for English, the students have two English classes that are essentially the same content.  But they're still getting two exams. So one Chinese teacher, Kevin, asked, "Why can't we combine our English classes into one exam?" B told him, "The research shows that the students need to be able to perform equally well at the start of the exam as at the end of the exam.  If we combine the exams, the time period will be too long and they will get tired by the time they get to the second exam."  But that's not what K was asking... He wanted to get rid of an exam altogether. So K rephrased the question and asked again (to everyone else it was clear what he was asking).  B literally said in the most condescending way, "What did I JUST say?" And then continued on with the meeting. Um HELLO?! You're an idiot. We all wanted to tell B that he was being stupid but he wouldn't let us talk after that question. He just kept going on with the meeting. He's not a team player and everyone thinks that he's a terrible administrator. After the meeting B pulled K aside and literally scolded him for being defiant and not listening to what he was saying. First of all, English is his second language... give him a break. Second of all, YOU WEREN'T UNDERSTANDING HIM SO WHY IS HE GETTING IN TROUBLE?! Third of all, don't talk to your employees like we're 5 years old. DRAMAAAAAAAA.

Moving on: Halloween was Thursday and it was actually pretty fun to teach the kids about Halloween in America. The IC had a pumpkin carving "contest" and the kids all learned why we make Jack-o-lanterns. A lot of the students were very creative and they had a blast (at least those I talked to did). We had some drama with this event as well because B kept saying to the Chinese admin that Halloween originated in Spain and we should therefore have our Spanish teacher, Esperanza, do all the decorations for the hall way.  So she got stuck with the task even though she had no idea what we do for Halloween. We were all really mad at him for doing that. But I couldn't stay too mad because I had DANCE CLUB!!!! I gained a few more students and lost a few. It makes it hard to create a dance when you have such inconsistent attendance but oh well.

Then on Friday we had a staff meeting and B was sick so we only had Sharon for our leader. The staff meeting was boring as usual but we had plenty of snacks. That was fun. I even won some chocolate for participating in sports day! Then as a prize we all got toilet paper.... yea it was really weird.

Saturday I got into a fight with one of my friends because he was being stupid and I called him out on it. He did not appreciate that so we're taking our time not hanging out.  This is what happens when you live and eat with the people you work with. There's just no time away from them. But then I went shopping with another one of my coworkers and we were very productive. Sunday I went shopping with yet another one of my coworkers and this time we were not productive HAHA. I had my first complete conversation in Chinese with a waitress so I was very proud of myself for that :D For the first time I was able to actually answer someone when they assumed I spoke Chinese. Instead of the usual, "I'm American and don't speak Chinese," response. All-in-all it was a pretty fun weekend even though we only had a day to rest. Hopefully this weekend will be better. I will continue to practice my Chinese now that I have students helping me practice. I even have a tutor from one of the Shandong universities.  He's a friend of Sophie's and we all went out to dinner one night.  He offered to help me learn and I accepted.  He's been very helpful! I think that's why my confidence in speaking is increasing.

So on to today... I have no classes :( I guess I will just continue with my studies and playing with my NEW IPOD!!!!! :D I will be sure to update you as life goes on. Until then... Laters!

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