Monday, November 11, 2013

It takes a weekend...

To recover from a weekend! Hey hey bloggers :) I missed my weekly update!!!! So here's what happened last week. It was a short week so we had Friday off. But first a major shout out to my love Lucy for getting me my iPod from Hong Kong because now our bus rides are so much more enjoyable! An hour every morning and another hour every afternoon/night is brutal with no music. OK on to the updates...

Nothing of significance really happened except for the announcement/lack-there-of of the foreign teachers' bulletin board competition. So Tony walks into my office and says, "Excuse me, Chelsey? Do you have a minute?" I say, "Yes, Tony. How can I help you?" He says, "Follow me." So I do. We walk down the hallway where the 10s and 11s have class. As we walk he points at bulletin boards and says, "This one is Joanna's. That one is Greg's.  There is Nick's...." You get the idea. Then he points to three boards and asks, "Which one do you want?" My immediate response, which admittedly was a pretty stupid question, was, "Huh? To take home?!" Tony laughed super hard and said, "NO! To decorate for your club! All the foreign teachers have to decorate one for their club and it will be a competition. The deadline is November 22nd." Ohhhh now it all makes sense. Like I said, Lack-there-of announcement. Cool. So I choose a board and get to work. The only problem is that China isn't exactly known for having supplies to decorate with. So I am LITERALLY coloring white A4 computer paper to make construction paper so that my board is colorful... Talk about tedious work! But now that I've got my creative juices flowing, I'm definitely finding a lot of entertainment and fun in doing everything from "scratch" :P Haha. I have printed and hand cut a boarder of dancing silhouettes, cut out the letters D-A-N-C-E and attached arms and legs so that my letters look like they're dancing, and I started working on "bboy" and "bgirl" names for my students so that I can write them out and use their names as decoration. I have some pictures of my club so I can also use that. I'm getting pretty competitive and the psych club teacher, Michael, is trying to sneak peaks at my designs for ideas.... We are probably the only two who are taking this seriously. But it's so much fun to be competitive!

This weekend was awesome! On Saturday I went to lunch at a Korean BBQ place with Esperanza (Spanish teacher from Spain), Joanna, Greg, and Nick. Then we went shopping and Christine met up with us.  I spent equivalent to about $200 on clothes for the camping trip coming up as well as more work clothes and relaxation clothes.  If I had bought this stuff back in the states, I'm pretty sure it would've been over $500 easily. Thank God I'm in China! Anyway... after shopping we all bought pizza to take home... or rather to take to Michael and Christine's place. They bought a dart board and a foosball table so we decided to throw a party and have some tournaments take place. Robert and Hannah joined us for pizza, drinks, and games. Then we all migrated to KTV (karaoke). About an hour later Mo joined us at KTV and about another hour and a half after that, Eric joined us. So we had 10 people in one room, screaming songs and having a GREAT time! Best Saturday night EVERRRRRRR!

Then on Sunday I went for a walk under the clear, sunny sky.  We only get one of those every two weeks so I took advantage of it. Eric joined me for a walk down the hill to Holiland and then further down the hill to sit and try new snacks. This time we actually picked out good snacks. Usually I pick really bad/weird ones. I'll have to try to remember which ones we got so that I can get them again.  He was probably the only person who went to KTV that wasn't hung over >.<  Then at dinner NO ONE was in the cafeteria... IT WAS AWESOME! About an hour after I got there Eric got there and was like "Where is everyone?!" We never did find out why no one went to dinner in the cafeteria that night.

This week is midterms so I'm pretty much not doing anything.  Thursday and Friday is the year 10 and 11 over night camping trip, which I'm going to :D I can't wait.  I'm so excited! It might be cold but it'll be so much fun! Then we get back Friday afternoon around 5, which means the bus will get us home around 6 and we work bright and early Saturday morning. I don't know why they chose to make this week a long week... the kids will be so tired! But whatever. Not my job to ask questions. I will let you know how this week goes but right now I'm off to play jeopardy with the AP Psych students :D Until then... Laters.

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