Sunday, December 15, 2013

I'm on time!

Ni Hao bloggers! :D Here’s the update!

I last left you on Thursday, a bit late on my part sorry about that. But here’s what happened on Friday… So I finished teaching my dance to my student and now all we have to do is clean it up. She’s not great at dancing but she’s trying really hard so I’m enjoying working with her (most days). After work I went to the gym with Giles and Jeremiah to go work on my solo for the faculty party. I didn’t have the studio to myself but it still felt amazing to be on a dance floor again. I worked on my leaps and had a few Chinese women try to imitate me…. That was awkward. Then we went out to eat at a really really delicious restaurant.

Saturday I had to work because it’s a long week. So I went about my business and decorated the bulletin board. Then after work I went to RT Mart (like Walmart but better and cheaper). I picked up a ton of snacks, both for my students and myself. I worked a little on my Christmas cards for my office and friends. It was pretty low key because I mean really, when you have to work but have no classes, you have no stories.

Sunday I finished my Christmas shopping! Yayyyyyy I also had an awesome experience speaking Chinese :D :D I talked with a guy who asked me in Chinese if I was Chinese and when I said no, he asked me where I was from. I said America and he continued to argue with me, “No you must be Chinese!” It was really funny because I don’t have a great vocab base but I know how to say that I am not Chinese and I only speak a little Chinese. He complimented me on my accent saying that I sounded like I was from Shan Dong. Well I would hope so since everyone I’m learning Chinese from is also from Shan Dong. Except Liu Jun. He’s from Shang Hai and speaks Shang Hai Hua. Anyway after shopping I went home and played a little DS then went to dinner and ate amazing dumplings. Overall it was a pretty fun weekend, even if we only had 24 hours.

This week is a short week, which means that we get both Saturday AND Sunday off. Woooooo! But then the week after that is an extended long week. Which means that we WORK both Saturday AND Sunday. Then we go into a short week. So really what it means is that we’re working 14 straight days in a row. At least it’s not 12 hour days like I’ve been pulling for the last week >.< I hate staying here late. They shut off the heat once the sun goes down. You’d think that common sense would tell them that we need heat MORE when the sun goes down. But nope. Frozen! Oh well. I’ll be sure to keep you updated :) Until then… Laters!

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