Sunday, May 4, 2014

Hawaii Crew and Suzhou!

Woah! Where did the time go?! So let's catch you bloggers up... The weekend before last (April 26th) I went to Beijing for an over night trip. I went because my dad's friend was hosting a Hawaii night. I went, ate awesome food, met amazing people, and enjoyed my time away from work. I was seriously in the best mood EVER! The Hawaii Crew was so much fun to chat with and we all enjoyed being around other Hawaii people. It made me miss home a lot more than I had been. So now I have people to visit in Beijing and for my birthday, I'm hoping to make it back for a party with my new friends :D

The next week was pretty short because we had a holiday starting Thursday. I went with three of my friends to Suzhou. But before we got to Suzhou, we had some troubles. We hopped in a cab to go to the train station. Half way there, our cab starts to smell like burning rubber. The cabby pulls over, pops the hood, and then yells something at us in Chinese. He gestures for us to get out and starts saying how much we owe him. We were like wtf?! So to get him to shut up, we paid him. He got back in his car and drove away. We had no idea where we were and the street/ally we were on/in did not have any cars driving by let alone cabs... So we go into a children's store and using broken Chinese ask if the woman can call us a cab. She does so and 16 minutes later we finally get one to come pick us up. We get to the train station with about 30 mins to get our tickets, go through security, grab lunch, and board our train. Talk about stressful! So we get to the ticket office and the woman types in the confirmation number, types in our passport numbers, and gives us three tickets. She speaks in Chinese and 10 mins later we decipher that she can't find Joanna's ticket. So we talk (again in broken Chinese) and she goes to another computer where we can't see her. Turns out I had typed in Joanna's passport number wrong when I booked the ticket so she couldn't find the reservation. She eventually found it and I had only switched two numbers by accident. So, angry and frustrated (and a little embarrassed), we finally get what we needed and go into the waiting area. We get a quick lunch and board our train. 3 hours later we arrive in Suzhou! From there it was actually not bad. We get in a cab and get a little lost. The cabby gets out of his car and asks for directions. He gets us there and we easily check in. We even got an upgrade for free! Then we grab our bags and go toward the elevators. Our room was on the 40th floor and we got into an elevator. Turns out, elevators only go to certain floors and we got into the elevator that stops at floor 35 >.< Yea terrible mistake on our part. So we FINALLY get to our hotel suite and settle in. Then we went exploring. While in Suzhou we went to Tiger Hill and a silk museum. Overall it was a really great trip and it was fun to get away from Jinan.

We got back Saturday afternoon and had to be back at work Sunday... We have wayyyy too many days in our work week this week >.< 13 to be exact... Our next day off is May 17th! The next four days are dedicated to Naviance training so that should be.... boring.  The only exciting thing that's happening for a while is that we have new counselors and teachers interning so that they can prep for the new year. I'll be able to meet new people and make new friends. My seniors graduate May 24th so that's also a little exciting except for the fact that none of my students are actually at school right now. Meh. Hopefully I'll have more to update you on next week but if not, it'll be a while for my next post. Until then... Laters!

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