Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Graduation, birthday celebration, and year 10 field trip!

你好!This past weekend was CRAZY! So let's get you caught up.

Saturday was graduation. I cried as I watched my students get their diplomas and ask to take pictures with me. Chinese graduations are all very different but our ceremony (we have a ceremony because we're trying to be a more western school) involved a lot of speeches, videos, and songs/"performances." The students walked up 5 at a time to get a box with their diploma on top of it (not sure what was in the box) and shake hands with the principals. Then their family members were allowed to walk on stage and give them a bouquet of flowers. Then they filtered off stage and went back to their seats to take off their robe and get ready for their class song. Pretty much everyone looked like they were going to prom. Their hair was all nicely done with a full face of make up and gorgeous prom dresses on. They performed their song and concluded with all the grade twelve teachers coming on stage to hug them and take pictures with them. After the ceremony there was a dinner for the faculty.

Sunday was my birthday. I bought a bunch of pizza and beer for my friends and we played drinking games in the afternoon. Then Christine brought over cake from Aili (the cake was my present) and we pigged out on that. About 4ish hours later everyone passed out into a food coma (it might've been a beer coma). I really really enjoyed my time with my friends and I'm so glad everyone made the effort to  come over to my apartment to help me celebrate.

Monday-Wednesday was the year 10 field trip. We went to a city called Jiaozuo (焦作) in Henan (河南) province. We stayed near Yuntai Shan (云台山). It was a seven hour bus ride to our location from school. First we hiked down to Hongshi Xia (红石峡)then we went to the hotel to shower and get ready for dinner. After dinner a few students invited Christine and I to play Uno with them.

The next day we didn't have to be up until 7 so the students stayed up until half past 10! I was too tired to stay up so I went back to my room and passed out. The second day we went back to Yuntai Shan and climbed the tallest peak called Zhuyu Feng (茱萸峰). At the top we were about 1300 meters above sea level. Of course I shouted off the top. Then we climbed down and went to another gorge that I can't remember the name of and after that I climbed up a third mountain to see monkeys perform! It was an exhausting but totally worth it day. I had so much fun bonding with the students. I got to know my dance club kids a little better and they created a new nickname for me >.< MONKEY! After the mountains we went back to the hotel and rested for about a half hour. Then we all met for dinner but before we went to dinner we went to a "grocery store." When I say grocery store what I really mean to say is exhibition hall where you have lots of people trying to sell you stuff and offer you samples while you weave your way to the exit. I had a blast trying everything and my Chinese colleagues enjoyed seeing the people's reactions to my not being able to communicate with them. I ended up buying some Juhua Cha (菊花茶)for the summer to come. Then we went to dinner and called it an early night since we had to be up at 6am the next morning.

On Wednesday we went to another part of Yuntai Shan called Qinglong Xia (青龙峡). There was a cable car available but we could also hike it. I along with about 75% of everyone else decided to hike down. It was beautiful and even better, there were few people so I raced some students down for a bit. Once we got to the end of the hike we were given the choice to take the cable car up or hike up but we only had an hour to hike up if so chose to do so. I timed our hike down and it took us and hour and a half so there was NO WAY I was hiking up in less than an hour. I settled for the cable car and as I was approaching the top, I saw two boys walking up! TWO STUDENTS HIKED UP! I was thoroughly impressed! They were proud of themselves (as well they should be!). Then we boarded the bus and headed for Jinan. We got to school around 9pm (it was a LONG bus ride) and home around 10. I was exhausted to say the least but it was totally worth it. I had a blast and the kids all enjoyed getting to know me a little better. I studied Chinese with them and they loved hearing my improvement by the end of the trip. If I'm ever given the chance to do it again, I will gladly jump up and ask when.

On Friday I head out to Beijing for Dragon Boat Festival. I'm pretty excited to see some of my friends from Hawaii who live there. I'm also going to a music festival ON THE GREAT WALL!!!!! I can't wait to get home to tell you all about it :D Until then... Laters!

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