Monday, June 2, 2014

Words to describe this weekend... GO!

Exciting. Nerve-wrecking. Exhausting. Delicious. Fast-paced. Sleep-deprived.

Best. Weekend. EVER!

*Be prepared... This is a long post :D

So as most of you already read I went to Beijing this past weekend from Friday night to Monday afternoon. I spent most of the morning Friday anxious to leave Jinan. I went into work, talked with my friends, and tried to focus on the here and now. Then I caught a taxi to the train station. As I sat in the air conditioned taxi I prayed that it wouldn't break down like the last one did. I made it to the station with minimal problems and the entire time my excitement for leaving Jinan grew. I tried to keep it in check because I didn't wanna be let down if not everything turned out the way I had hoped. But I couldn't help it! I arrived in Beijing around 7:30pm and by the time I got to my hotel and checked in, it was already 8:30. I was supposed to meet Jonathan (from Punahou) at 8 so I felt terrible for being late and got even more worried that my weekend would end up a disaster. Fortunately, once I got into a taxi and met up with him, everything worked out in the best possible way. I met him at a restaurant that served American BBQ and it was AMAZING! I met some of his friends and enjoyed their company. They were all eating dinner together for someone's birthday (it was kinda awkward that I was there for her bday but I didn't know her but whatever). After dinner Jonathan and I tried to find a club or bar to go to but there really wasn't much going on so we just hung out and talked. It was an awesome evening to start my weekend... This is when I knew it was only going to get better so I let myself be excited :)

Saturday I met up with Richard (from Iolani) and a couple of his friends and we went shopping for a few hours. Before the day ended I had to go get cigars for Michael at a place I had no idea where it was.  So after lunch I had Richard call the hotel (I had their business card, which had NO ADDRESS) and they sent him the address via text to my phone. I was still really nervous because a) I can't read or speak Chinese very well so asking for directions was not exactly in my game plan, b) I wasn't exactly sure where I was in relation to the location, and c) What if this place doesn't speak English?! How was I supposed to get these things that I know nothing about in a language I don't speak?! Fortunately, it was Jonathan to the rescue! I was originally supposed to meet up with him after I got the cigars but with timing and the situation, he decided to meet me at the location of the cigar shop. He knew exactly where this place was and gave me directions. It was honestly the nicest thing I could've asked for. Super special shout out to Jonathan for being AWESOME! The errand got done with some difficulty and then we went back to my hotel to sit in the A/C for a while. I was kinda burned out from doing things so we decided to go get massages. It was definitely what I needed. Then we went to dinner at a pseudo Japanese restaurant and planned to go out to a bar or club after but when we got out of the restaurant it was thunder storming! Absolutely ridiculous.... So we ran through the rain to his apartment since it was closer than my hotel and waited out the storm. It didn't stop so we ended up not going out again. Second fail for going out in Beijing... oh well.

Sunday was the Great Wall Music Festival. Yes. A music festival ON the GREAT WALL! It started out a great day. Regina cooked Hawaiian food for me and I loved it. Then around 3 we left for the festival. We were on a bus with foreigners from Europe and North America so I made a lot of new friends. When we got there it was hot. As soon as we stepped off the bus, it started to rain. Not just rain.... Thunderstorm AGAIN! We were all like oh wth?! But we toughed it out and danced in the rain. TOTALLY WORTH IT! It stopped raining when Armin Van Buuren came on so people came back out from under the tents and it ended up being the most fun I could've imagined. The rain made the lasers in the air look super pretty and the lights on the Great Wall were just flat out breath taking. We got back to our drop off location around 1am.

Monday around 3pm I was leaving behind the greatest weekend ever and heading back to sad Jinan. I always get a little bummed when I have go back to real life after a vacation. But this time, I was boarder line crying. I can always tell how great of a weekend it is by the immediate crash of the high I get from traveling. If I'm happy to be going home, I didn't have a very good time on my trip so it was nice to know that  being THIS sad meant my weekend was THAT awesome. Anyway, I woke up and checked out of the hotel. I went to Jonathan's apartment to drop off my bags and we went out to lunch. We had burgers.... like REAL burgers. He took me to an international supermarket and it was nice to see all the things I had been living without for the last 8 months or so. Then Jonathan put me in a cab with some directions and I was on my way. I sat on the train exhausted but happy. I replayed all the events from the weekend in my head and smiled and cried at the same time. A little too quickly, I was back in Jinan staring out the taxi window trying to figure out which direction I was heading. I usually check my directions with the mountains that surround the city but it was so foggy that I couldn't see past 3 buildings in front of me! I had to work really hard to avoid crashing from an incredible high to the darkest of depressions. I managed to get home and do everything I needed to do before crashing into a coma.

Now I'm back at work with dead mosquitoes on my desk and a large number of emails to work through. This week is a short week (thankfully), which means we have both Saturday AND Sunday off. I agreed to perform for a graduation party on Saturday so at least I won't be totally lame this weekend. I don't anticipate anything exciting happening this week but if anything does happen, you'll be in the know :) Until then... Laters!

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