Sunday, July 6, 2014

Oops! I missed a week~

Hey bloggers! As you can probably tell, I'm getting lazy about updating this. Last week was really stressful in terms of things I had to do. Plus I have someone new in my life so I've been talking with him A LOT so time kinda just flies by with or without me. But let's get you caught up~

Last weekend was the first weekend I didn't have ANY plans. I went out to dinner with my friends, I went shopping, I played pool... nothing too spectacular.

Two weeks ago I was asked by grade 11 class 19 to join them in the IC's chorus competition. Now, anyone who knows me, knows I DON'T sing. Which is fine since they wanted me to dance during the instrumental parts. Then grade 10 class 19 came to me and was like please dance with us! I told them I already agreed to dance for grade 11 which means I couldn't dance with them. But of course, Tony to the destruction... He came up to me and said, "You can do one class per grade so it's ok if you dance with them too." So I agreed since the two girls who asked me to dance with them are two of my most favorite girls in the school. They stayed in my dance club all year (unlike everyone else who just joined half way through the year or quit half way through the year). Then I had two more classes come and ask me to join them but I had to refuse because I was already doing two dances. Another class asked me to choreograph for them and a fourth class I flat out declined because I know my limits.

Anyway, throughout the week I rehearsed with my classes, attended English class with George, Blanca, and Glies, and went to AP psych class with Michael. Overall it's been a pretty busy week. I study every chance I get but it's really hard to stay motivated with it.

Friday: My school FINALLY got documents to me so that I could transfer money home. That was pretty sweet. I went to the bank and was able to get all that done. Then I went home and talked with Troy (from Punahou) on Skype. It was Fourth of July but everyone was so burned out from the week that we all just stayed in. We tried to go looking for fireworks but let's be honest, what reason is there to pop fireworks in China in July? 没有!
Saturday: I went shopping! I had to get costumes for my performance coming up on Wednesday. I also had to get flat sandals. It wasn't a particularly busy Saturday for me but that was perfect since I wanted to spend time Skyping anyway. Two guesses who I was Skyping ;P
Sunday: I had to work.... not go into the office kinda work but go to my bosses apartment and sit in a two hour long meeting kinda work. We talked about next year and what we could "expect" with our living arrangements. Apparently I'm going to be living with an early 30s art teacher next year. I hope she's cool. Then they fed us terrible pizza that made me feel sick :( So I ended up not doing anything after the meeting except working on Chinese. Well I guess that's not really true. Troy asked me on a Skype date so technically, I had a date..... lol.
This week is the LAST week of school! And it's not really school. The kids have finals today, rehearsals and meetings tomorrow, the chorus competition on Wednesday, and they leave on Thursday. *I* have studying and meetings today, rehearsals tomorrow, the chorus competition on Wednesday, and an end of the year staff party on Thursday. I leave for Beijing on Thursday and my flight to go home leaves Friday. The next time I update you, I'll be in HAWAII! :D It'll be nice to see the sun again. Although I hope I don't die of sun poisoning :P or worse, fresh air poisoning! Bahahahahaha. Clearly I need to stop working now lol. Anyways, I'll definitely keep you updated about my travels during the summer. Until then... Laters!

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