Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Back to Work!

Hey everyone! I know I told you I’d keep you updated while I was home, but let’s be honest… If you know anything about me, you know that I keep EXTREMELY busy. I got home and stayed off my computer almost the entire time. When I did go on the computer, I either wasn’t on my own or I was only on for 5-10 minutes. So long story short, home was amazing! I missed my family way more than I thought I did and seeing them a lot was so nice. The twins got to know me a little better and Ryden told me I was his best friend (gotta love 3-year-olds). I also got to see some old friends and hang out with new ones :) How did I meet those new friends you ask? Well lemme tell you about my new boyfriend :D Yes everyone, I am currently dating an amazing guy named Troy and so far we’ve found that we’re perfect for each other. We spent a lot of time together while I was home and we decided to do the distance :( It’s been hard so far but we both want it to work so we’re gonna make it work. Aside from being home I went to Cali with my fam to go to a Thomas the train engine event. It was actually a lot of fun. The kids definitely loved it! We went shopping and just hung out as a family. After that I took a solo trip up to Seattle to visit Tiger and Jeremy. Troy wasn’t overly excited about me going and neither were his friends but Troy said that if it was important to me to go, he wasn’t gonna stop me no matter how uncomfortable he was (I told you he’s amazing). I got the closure I needed and confirmed that I wanted to keep Jeremy as a friend but that was it. I also got to see (and say good bye) to my beloved kitty, who btw was bitter about me leaving him :’( He definitely remembered me for better and for worse. I’m not sure if/when I’ll ever see him again. But moving away from the sad and on to the happy…. I’m back in China and I started working from the day after I got back into Jinan. I met the new teachers the day I got back and they’re super nice. Kevin and Sean are from Ireland so sometimes they have to speak slower for me to understand them >.< Colin is from Cali and he’s expecting a new born sometime within the next month. He also has a 2 year old so it’s like being back home only without twins! Haha. Work has been boring because all we’re doing is the same thing we’ve been doing the last two months of work: planning. Planning schedules, planning lessons, planning meetings, etc. I have A LOT of meetings to attend each month so I’m not looking forward to this year in terms of meetings. I’m still teaching grade 12 and counseling everyone who needs it. I’m also the TAG chair, that hasn’t changed since last year. This year, I got more resume bling! I’m the co-director of student affairs (my boss wants me to be titled assistant director because that’s his title but the director of student affairs wants me to be the director while he’s the assistant so we compromised… I’m co-director). I’m also an assistant homeroom teacher, which means I have the same responsibilities as the homeroom teacher when I’m at school but I don’t have to spend any nights with the kids like the actual homeroom teacher has to. I’m also a part of the leadership team (leadership is the same level as administration). So I have a few new titles and it’s making me realize that I might just get experience in being an admin this year. Maybe it’ll inspire me to find a new career path? I’m not sure what life has in store for me because I still really wanna dance for Disney. But realistically is being a Disney dancer practical for a 26-year-old? I’m not sure. It’s hard to be potentially too old for your dream but too young for your career. For now, I’m just waiting for signs to point me in the right direction. I have no doubt that the universe has my back and will tell me what I’m meant for when I’m ready to hear it. I’ll just have to be patient (that’s Troy’s and my mantra >.<). So now that I’m back on a schedule and in a pattern, I’ll be updating you as I used to… Once a week :) Until then… Laters!

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