Wednesday, May 12, 2010

May finally arrives

*sigh* this month has finally come which means that school is almost done. I have been talking to Jeremy almost every night for the last few weeks and although slightly sleep deprived, I am loving my life. My classes ended on May 4th. My Theory paper is done and turned in. My anthro take home exam has been turned in. Yesterday I had a final review for stats. There were three of us there. I got a lot of questions answered and I absolutely loved the fact that I knew a majority of what I was talking about. It was like I actually knew this stuff!!! haha. My exam is tomorrow morning and after that exam I will be done with junior year. How scary is that?! I'll be a SENIOR!!!!!! After my exam I am going to hang out and finish packing. Then I'm going to drop off more stuff at the apartment and at night I will head out to the movies with Jen, probably Lei, and Tal (I think). I think after that we are going to play board games like Blokus, Life, and Taboo. On Friday Jen and I are getting our nails done :) I'm so excited! I've wanted to get them done since they started growing back and I went bowling and ended up breaking all of them.

My family is really excited to have me home for a week. I'm excited to see my family but not so much to be home. Not sure why but Hawaii just doesn't feel like home again. I've been flipping back and forth with that emotion. I used to hate it and then I loved it and now I hate it again... What's going on?? I'll have the best of both worlds though when they go to see Rendi GRADUATE in Cali. We'll be a family in Cali :) My two favorite things in the world: family and the mainland lol. But even more than seeing my family I'm EXTREMELY excited to see Jeremy.... FINALLY!!!!

I've been counting down the days with him since 40+ days ago. I have been looking forward to seeing him sooooo much. Here are some of our highlights...
*I wrote him a letter confessing my love for him making me feel incredibly vulnerable.
*He wrote back to me saying pretty much the same :) as well as gave me a charm he carved out of an avacado pit (i ALWAYS wear it)
*We talk in silence, energy, emotion, and body language through skype ALL the time.
*We started collecting gifts for each other.
*I started a scrapbook that has everything from July in Australia to today.
*I started wearing his picture around my neck in a locket and keep it close to my heart at all times.
*Every time he talks to me I gain new cheek muscles from smiling all the time.
*I freaked out tonight about losing him but he made me smile even through all the negativity.
*We decided to buy each other notebooks that we will write in every day while we are separated and when we are reunited we'll exchange books back to read all the stories we have to share.

I think that's all I have to say for Jeremy's little shout out so far. I'll be sure to update you later of course. As for now, I have to go back to studying for stats.... almost there!!! Once I'm done with my final I will be the happiest person alive! Then when I see Jeremy I will have the most incredibly feeling ever! I can't wait to see you love!!!! As for everyone else, I'll keep you updated soon. Until then... Laters!

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