Friday, May 28, 2010

The perfect week

I fear it may have been way too long since I last updated you about my adventure through the month. I have a good reason though, I swear. Let's start from the beginning.

Can you imagine meeting someone and spending less than 72 hours in the same area as them? Add in the fact that you never talked to that person for more than 3 hours and every time you interacted with one another it was with five or six other people at the very least. Did I mention you're both in a foreign country and won't be on the same side of that country for long? How about we throw the twist that one of you is from the middle of the Pacific Ocean going to school in New York (6000 miles apart) and the other person is from the west coast and going to school on the west coast, so at any given time you are at least 3000 miles apart? Would you ever expect those two people to make the perfect couple with more love shared in one week than most people feel in a month? Well... Let me introduce you to my boyfriend Jeremy and myself. This is our situation. We met in Sydney, Australia in July 2009. He was studying abroad in Perth (I think), Western Australia and I was in Canberra, New South Wales. I was attracted to him physically and wanted to get to know him better but never got the chance while we were in Sydney together. He was always with a million other people, most girls, so I pegged him for an arrogant man whore. Problem is, that's the type of guy I'm attracted to (go figure right??). So I took a chance and handed him a piece of paper with my contact info for both Australia and back home. Well we kept in touch for a pretty solid two weeks or so, calling each other constantly. Then I hit reality and said to myself, "What are you doing? You're going to get hurt. Don't fall for someone who will remain 3000 miles away from you at all times." Ironic how even in Australia he chose west coast over east coast and I chose the opposite :/ Anyway... So I stopped calling him and talking to him and pretty much moved on.

Fast forward to March 6th:
He RANDOMLY writes BOO on my facebook wall. I get really excited because I wanted to reconnect with him. I avoided talking too intimately with him because I was still under the impression that I would not be in the same geographic region as him... EVER. Well, I hit boyfriend trouble and he's there to talk to me about it. I fall for him all over again. He's no longer a friend. He has become SO much more. I told him about my time line--> by 24 years old I will be with the one I want to marry, 26 minimum will be when he can propose to me, 29 is when kids come. So after hearing this, we had made a pact that if we were still single by the time he had turned 26 (25 for me) we would give each other a chance (I thought of it as a joke but his infamous words of "you think I'm joking" caught my attention). We talked about past girl/boyfriend problems and got to seriously talking like we had a chance to get together. I asked if he was going to be in the SoCal area from June 11th until the 20th. He said no and explained that he was graduating and leaving June 1st or 2nd. I IMMEDIATELY propose that I come up and visit him before he leaves since I could stay with my sister the rest of the time until my family flew up. He jumps at the idea and it takes off. I had every intention of just keeping things as friends since basically that's all we were at that time. We started talking more and more every day until finally we came to the conclusion of "We should just get together already." Problem is, you can't start something with someone who's 3000 miles away, you have never spent quality time together, and you don't know what they look like without the computer screen between you two. So we waited. Our love grew rapidly and I was feeling overwhelmed with it all. I let it take me to where ever it wanted to take me. I didn't fight it, I didn't think while everything was happening, and I was there for him as much as I could be.

Jump ahead 5 spaces and fly to California May 22nd:
I arrived at my sister's house on the evening of the 22nd. I slept that night with dreams of Jeremy picking me up the next day. I wake up on the morning of the 23rd to a text that says "My car won't start." I freak the hell out. I traveled well over 9000 miles in the last two weeks to see him, I was damn sure that I was going to see him. He sends me another text saying "JK. :) sorry I had to...Don't hate me too much." I was mad.... not gonna lie. But two hours later he arrived and I was over it. It was so great to hug him for the first time. He looked like a fresh of breath air stepping outside of his car. He walked over to my sister's unit with us and helped me carry my things to his car. Then I said bye to my sister and off we went to Redlands.

Starting together, ending together:
Sunday...We arrive at his place and kind of just relax for a little while. We cuddle and realize how comfortable we feel with one another. It was like he was my missing puzzle piece that I just fit perfectly into when he wrapped his arms around me. We hung out for a little while and then made dinner together. I had so much fun just keeping it simple with him. He told me what he needed me to do and I would do it and we would snack on the foods while we cooked. It was the perfect first date.
Monday...We woke up and he put a notebook on my lap. Then he handed me a box with a bunch of puzzle pieces in it. He had me close my eyes while he flipped them face down and spread them out. He put the Jeopardy thinking song on while I put the puzzle together face down. Then he flipped it over and it said "Will you be mine? Can I call you my girlfriend?" Then there were three boxes that said yes no maybe. The no and maybe boxes and words were crossed out so I could only check yes :) It was the official asking that I laughed and smiled and said "Yes! Of course!" Then we got up and cooked breakfast (which was delicious btw. He's an amazing cook :D ). We had fruit and french toast. I can't remember if there was more but I remember it was delicious. We spun poi and glowsticks for a while but I can't remember what else we did because everything just felt so surreal. I remember eating the Pizookie though!! It's this giant cookie cut like a pizza served with ice cream and it is simply divine!! I couldn't believe how amazing it was. We were with a bunch of Jeremy's friends who I came to love instantly. They were so much fun. I wish we had more time to hang out but they were mostly seniors and prepping for graduation and what not.... oh well. FACEBOOK!!! haha
Tuesday...MY 21st BIRTHDAY!!!!! We woke up and cooked breakfast. Then we hung out just being together. It was peaceful and wonderful, like nothing else existed but us and he focused all his attention on me so I felt like the only one who mattered. Around 4 he took me to Ontario Mills to get my birthday present :) A Build-a-bear named Brazzum J.M. we kept arguing about whether out kids' names would be Muroda or Johnson so Brazzum being our love child is Johnson Muroda or J.M. for short :) His foot says Bearemy which reminds me of Jeremy and that's why I chose him. Then I stuffed him with love and we walked back to the car to drop him off. Then we went off to dinner and he wouldn't tell me where we were going. It turns out he was taking me to a restaurant inside the mall! He blocked my vision and guided me to the restaurant. I kept giggling the whole time because I wanted to see where he was taking me but he wouldn't let me and I kept shouting "This isn't fair!! I wanna know!!" Finally he uncovers my eyes and we're in front of RAINFOREST CAFE!! I was so excited!!! It's my favorite restaurant in the whole world. We order and chill for a while there and all of a sudden our waitress comes up and says happy birthday, handing me a drink along with my ID. I was in total shock! I didn't know that Jeremy snaked my ID after I showed it to him let alone talked to the waitress about getting me a drink as a surprise and getting her the ID.... it was just all so surprising!!! I couldn't believe that I was having the greatest birthday with the greatest boyfriend in the world. After that he took me to a really dark place on a mountain and we star gazed for a while. He took out smirnoff ice (my favorite) and chocolate covered strawberries. He basically gave me the best night of my life. But it wasn't over yet.... Later we headed out with more of his friends to a bar and I got my first legal drink in a bar. Then back to Marshall's we went to drink some more. I ended up getting sick and Jeremy took care of me. I wasn't aware how safe I could feel in a strange place in his arms.
Wednesday...I woke up not too hung over surprisingly. Jeremy woke up saying "ohhhhh that's a hang over." We hung out and it took us a while to get out of bed. Finally we woke up and ate some breakfast/lunch. Then we headed out to La Quinta. I met Jeremy's father first. He was a blast. I loved talking to him. Jeremy's sister and mother walked in after we did and I held a few conversations with them. Then we ate dinner. I watched Jessica and Jeremy fire dance a little which was AMAZING!! Then the three of us went to the hot tub to hang out. Soon after we passed out.
Thursday... Chilled in La Quinta and ate SOOOO much. It was a pretty lazy day :) those are the best. Then after dinner Jeremy and I left since it was the last day I was with him. We talked about everything from our past to the present and then continued to talk about the future we would share. I had a good cry because I couldn't stand the thought of being apart from him after spending the most amazing week together. It will be weird to wake up in a bed alone again. It'll be lonely but I know that I can get through it if I keep telling myself that I will see him in 3 and a half short months. Let the count down begin.
Friday...It took a while for him to get up. I was up long before he was. When he finally woke up it was well past 9. We snuggled for a little and then ate breakfast. Then he drove me back to San Diego. We held each other for the last time out by his car. I cried again and he told me he loved me. I told him to call me as soon as he finds out when he'll be in NY to visit me. He has a full summer planned ahead and I can't wait until I hear all about it. When he left I walked back into the apartment and looked around. It was weird walking into an empty apartment and realizing that I would be waking up alone and living through the summer pretty much alone as well. I'm gonna miss you so much babe. Just remember I love you and will be waiting with open arms for you when you get back.

This month has been a hell of an adventure. From NY to Hawaii to Cali. I met my match and he showed me a crazy amazing time. He is everything I want and need and I love him so much. I can't wait until our next adventure together. We shall see where we go from here. That's it for now. Until then... Laters!

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