Friday, September 24, 2010

Mandi called me out

I haven't been on in a while.... I've been SO incredibly busy with school starting up and love lives crashing down. Here's a pretty long summary of what's been going on.

The end of August really wasn't much to talk about. I basically went to the tracks for the first time, packed up my apartment, and got ready to move. Once August 31st showed it's pretty little face I hit the ground running and haven't stopped since.

I volunteered to help move Freshmen into their dorms on Sept 1st and 4th. Little did I know, Frosh chicks don't know the meaning of sharing a room. They all brought their entire houses and then some!!! HELLO PEOPLE, YOU'RE IN A TRIPLE... AKA DON'T BRING SO MUCH!! Anyway, I moved them in and got a nice work out from it. I gained about 13 new bruises from it because their boxes would continuously hit my arms in the same places and I looked pretty diseased from it haha. I had bruises on my hips and thighs as well because if I started to drop the boxes from tired arms, I would catch it with my thigh and then rest it on my hip like a mother would a child... only boxes have edges so they bruise like a child wouldn't. After I moved them in, I worked the Skidmazing Race.

September 5th was when the entire freshman class was on campus for the first time with their seminars and I was in charge of the Art stop. I had to sit and wait for the whole scavenger hunt to kick off and make sure they were at the right stop... blah blah blah. It was a long day that required me to run from the Skidmazing Race to rehearsal for the Freshman Showcase (the things I do for these Freshmen, I swear!). Breakbeats performed a HOT dance that consisted of Pockets Full of Money, Beggin, DJ Bruce, Glowsticking, and Freestyling. I was in every piece except DJ Bruce and Freestyling (because I'm not confident enough in my b-girl skills to perform it...YET. This year will be the year I learn more and perform :D). Needless to say, I was exhausted after having to constantly go go go the entire week. Did I mention it took me 7 days to finally get everything unpacked and put away?? Well with my schedule as busy as it was, I couldn't find time to do it all at once. So I would just unpack a handful of boxes every day until I was done.

September 7th School started and I learned that Senior Sem was gonna be the death of me. We have something due practically every Monday. But whatever, if it gets my thesis done, then so be it! I also identified Tuesdays and Thursdays as the days from Hell. Here's my schedule for T/TH:
8:30-11:00 Research Assistant
11:10-12:30 Ballet
12:40-2:00 Pilates
2:10-3:20 Riding
3:40-5:00 My only academic class
5:10-8:00 Do any and all hmwk for the next day as well as eat dinner and relax
8:30-11:00 Breakbeats practice

I'd say that that schedule will be get me in shape.... HAH it'll kill me before it gets me in shape.

Monday nights are my only free weeknights. I do most of my homework when I get off work at 4:30. Tuesday I can't keep myself thinking straight let alone do any work. Wednesday I have Fight Club (Conflict Resolution Club) meetings from 8-9. Thursday is the same as Tuesday. Friday I do any and all personal stuff that needs to be done i.e. grocery shopping, cleaning my room, laundry, etc. Saturday is homework day. Sunday I have Breakbeats from 12-4 and if any of my Jazz kids need extra help before class, they can contact me and meet me on Sunday. I think I've bitten off more than I can chew this semester. I haven't even added in riding practices yet!!! Cindy will kill me when she learns that I have yet again over committed myself.

Speaking of horses, remember the time I got bucked off my horse and landed on my head?? Oh yea, that was fun.

On a more positive note, my GRE vocab studying is going beautifully. I'm actually finding it a lot more enjoyable to do than my actual homework. GRE testing is on October 16th and I will be done with it after that... THANK GOD!! I actually feel somewhat prepared for it oddly enough :)

Now in the beginning of this entry I mentioned love lives crashing down... Well yes, tis the season for broken hearts and mine isn't the only one that's been broken (Gossip Girl influence anyone??). I've been coaching people through conflicts that mainly revolve around break ups. Since I've been going through this myself, I have some personal experience to share. Mine was and still is a rough break up. Special shout out to Moose and Tony Stark for texting me everyday to make sure I've got a smile on my face!! There's a lot going on that factors into when I will have the patience, emotional capacity, and time to figure it all out. Right now, I'm too busy with school and work (and dance and riding) to deal with stupid crap going on in my life. Too many people need my help and sometimes helping them helps me. I've let it get to me once or twice this month and I'm almost positive that it'll get to me a few more times until I learn to stop pushing it away and actually deal with it. *sigh* this is going to be a long semester.

Proud moment of the week: I managed to get an inverted hallow back!!!!! I can hold if for almost 10 seconds and I'm SO excited :) Next on the to do list would be swipes. Hey Jason, teach me please :D

Week three is almost done and I promise I will find time to update this blog more frequently... Hey without a bf in the picture I no longer have to worry about finding time for him... I'll just use his time to update this. OK enough with the broken hearted stories, I have to get to work. I'll be back soon. Until then... Laters!

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