Monday, October 4, 2010

I love Mondays

I know this sounds weird but seriously... Mondays are my favorite days of the week. This is the day that I wake up after having worked on Senior Sem work for 25 hours per weekend and feel relieved that I don't have to look at the assignment again until Friday. Then I get up and brush my teeth... you know get ready for my day. I go to Senior Sem Lab and work on my project. Then I go to Senior Sem Lecture (which I love so dearly because our class is becoming closer as a group and we have a common enemy to complain about) and finally Jazz class. Jazz class is literally the best class to have on Mondays. It wakes you up, gets you moving, and convinces you that you are awesome. It just makes you feel so good about yourself. Then I go to lunch and get ready for work. This is the day that I work from 1-4:30... another reason to LOVE Mondays. I get to work for 3 and half hours!! All the other days I just work 2 and a half or 1 and half. But Mondays... man-o-man I get to sit at my desk for 3 and half hours. Did I mention that I LOVE my job. I wish I could go back to the summer time when I was working from 10-4. It's amazing how happy I am after work.

Mondays also mark the start of the week that had worked so hard on the weekends to prepare for. I work Friday afternoons and nights, Saturday from when I wake up to when I go to sleep, AND Sunday nights on homework assignments for the week. I get ALL my work done for the entire week since I don't have time or energy to do anything during week days to do homework. So come Monday, I'm homework free until Friday. I can just focus on school and dance and riding all week.

The last reason I love Mondays so much is that I get to dress cute. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, I have to dress in either dance clothes or riding clothes (LAME). Friday I get to dress cute as well but Friday marks that start of another hard weekend in which I struggle to finish my work before Monday. So Mondays are my favorite day of the week.

On Saturday I had a performance for an event called Hoopla. It was promoting healthy lifestyles and getting outdoors and stuff like that. Breakbeats performed and offered a 45 minute workshop. It was pretty awesome. Little kids dancing all over the place (so adorable) and loving us break dancing. I freestyled for the first time in my life. That was fun and I managed to get my confidence about freestyling up :) It was an awesome day until I realized that I had lost 12 hours in the day that I usually use to do work. So Sunday I had to sacrifice going to Breakbeats practice so that I could get my work done in time :(

I talked to J3 on Saturday as well and things are decent with us. I still feel awkward talking to him but we'll get through it (I hope). He's still convinced that he can get me to go backpacking with him. HAH as if. The closest I get to roughin' it is going to the beach house and sleeping outside in a hammock. I will NEVER do anything remotely close to what he does as a mountaineer. Blech... I shiver just thinking about it!!

Today I learned something about the possibilities for my Senior Sem project. I could go to a Sociology convention and present my topic!! It's in February so my project will have been completely done by that point. It's a weekend long expedition and we sleep 3 to a room... only problem is that I think it's during a horse show weekend. I have to talk to Cindy about the possibilities of doing it or if I have to not get my hopes up and say "sorry can't go." I also think that it's the weekend that my mom and aunty and possibly dad were going to come up to watch me ride. So if that's the case... Sorry can't go. My whole class got super excited about it but honestly it's a soc convention... in Philadelphia... how exciting can that be?? No offense to sociologists or Philly fans. It's just not my scene.

I'm don't really have much else to catch everyone up on except that I have lost 5 lbs from Pilates and I'm eating a salad like once a day :) Aren't you proud of me?? I'm feeling great about myself and loving having pain in my body from riding and dancing every day. I know it sounds masochistic but if you are an athlete or a dancer, you know what I mean. Anyways, I've gotta get going to work :D Update you soon!! Until then, laters.

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