Sunday, November 28, 2010

Happy Holidays everyone!!

OK first of all I would like everyone to welcome Grandpa Moose to my blog.... he just learned I had one and now he reads it :) Welcome GM.

Second: here's what happened since the last post....
Saturday: The Skidmore home show was on the 20th and I didn't do well at all. I placed fourth. This is the first (and hopefully last) time I ever place that low. But on the plus side, I'm officially an Advanced WTC rider. EXCITING!! Although, that means that I HAVE to work extra super duper ridiculously hard before the next show in February. Needless to say I was pretty upset about this all week... which sucks seeing as it was Thanksgiving break from Wednesday to today.
Sunday: Q and Lily came up for a visit :D We all missed them soooo much!!!! I wanted to cry when they left :'( Hurry back soon you two!! Q taught and Lily assisted as usual and the dance they taught is HOT!!! Man I miss them so much.
Monday and Tuesday: School as usual. I pretty much didn't do anything new except work a little longer so that I could make more money (now I'm not really sure what I'm saving for since Spring Break is kind of a bust).
Wednesday: I woke up and drove to Albany to drop Jen off at the airport. Thank God for the Elvis Duran and the Morning Show. If I didn't have that show to listen to, I probably wouldn't have wanted to drive back. Then I went to the barn and rode THREE horses. Brownstone, Jimmy, and Belmont (!!)... you think I'm being punished for taking my leg off Charly at the show? Then I chilled at home for a while and learned how to crochet from a book.
Thursday: I woke up and went riding. I only rode two horses because I was sore. Clark and Belmont... again being punished!!!! Lol. Then I came home and relaxed. I got bored shortly there after and cleaned the twins' cage. I crocheted more just chilled.
Friday: MORE RIDING :) Clark and Nicky G. Then I cleaned the living room and kitchen.... you can't tell now but I did. haha
Saturday: Attempted to work and clean more and oh yea, got drunk from two shots!! I had a mixed drink with lunch and that was a bad idea. Then I hung out with Cay for a while (first time she hung out with me as much as she did!!) We made cupcakes and jello together :P I now have Christmas cupcakes in the fridge lol.
Today: Work work work work work... and I'm still not done... FML I don't wanna do any more work!!!!! I'm tired and lazy and just wanna be done with the semester.

I'm giving my Senior sem presentation on Dec. 6th and can't wait for the paper to be done with too. All my hard work will FINALLY be over with until next semester. Speaking of next semester, the person I was supposed to ride back from Oregon with on my spring break road trip bailed on me and now I don't have anyone to go with which means I can't go!! So all the money I'm saving up might just be put into the bank for a rainy day. Unless I can find some one else to go with for this road trip I'm gonna be stuck on campus by myself just like Thanksgiving... only this time, I won't have enough work to do to keep me busy :(

Speaking of keeping busy, I'll be back in the 808 for the holidays. You know what that means... BOOK YOUR ME TIME NOW!!! :D just kidding, but in all seriousness, my time is limited and I have so many people to see and so many things to do. So get in touch with me so we can plan something please!! I've officially decided that I'm NOT going to be anti social this break. This is a first, people, so take advantage of it :P

I don't think there's really anything else to update you on except the fact that I'm really not enjoying being single anymore... but that's a story for another time. Until then... Laters!

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