Thursday, December 2, 2010

Super Quick Update

Hey everyone so here's my stressful news in less than 10 minutes:

I went to the dentist this morning. I brush my teeth twice a day, floss, and use mouth wash.... EVERY DAY!!!!! But of course, I have weak enamel and acidic saliva (more acidic than the average person) so I have 5 cavities. I didn't even know I had teeth left to have cavities in!! Apparently my molars have deeper grooves than other peoples so even though I'm doing all I can to prevent cavities, it won't help me any. So basically it's all a waste of my time because no matter what I do, I'm still never going to be able to go to the dentist and leave without having to make another appointment for later that week. FML. Just once, I want to have a beautiful smile.... but NOOOOOO I have too many problems with my teeth!!!!!!!

Tonight I have to finish up the group paper for Prejudice and Xenophobia because basically I have higher expectations for this class than everyone else except maybe Emily. We're both in Senior Sem and expect this paper to look like the one we've been working on for Senior Sem even though that's really not going to happen. So far this paper is half the length of my other paper, has no control variable, and has been worked on for literally a week total. Again, FML!!!

Tomorrow I have to go get my cavities filled which is taking me away from work.... AGAIN!! I also have to go to a stupid pointless unnecessary meeting for SO377 for next semester... Why couldn't we just have it during class?! Then I wouldn't have to leave work, go to the dentist, and then rush back for this stupid meeting?? UGH.... I hate this week. It's rapidly turning into the worst, most stressful week of the semester and it's already Thursday!! AHHHHHHHHH

Well on the plus side, the phrase work hard party hard is going to actually pertain to me for once. I'm going to a hockey game tomorrow because I finally found a friend to go with.... Granted she's a freshman and I'll be going with a group of Freshman girls but hey going with them is better than missing out on some fun. Also Jr Ring is Saturday and I can't wait. The theme is Disney and this is the last winter formal I'll get to go to for the rest of my life unless I wanna be a creeper and go to one when I'm old (NO THANKS). I didn't go to JR ring my sophomore or junior year so I guess this is a nice full circle way to end my time at Skidmore. I wish I had a date though :/ Jeremy aka fink (Not J3 my ex, a different Jeremy) would have been my date if he were here, but no he graduated... LAME!! oh well. I might be visiting him for spring break btw :) but more on that later. Now I have to run to class. Until then... Laters!

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