Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Where did the time go?!

I didn't even realize that it has been almost 3 weeks since I last updated this!! What the hell was I doing?! Ok so let's start from the beginning...
The beginning of November basically revolved around Breakbeats and Senior Sem. We had a million things to get done. There were two performances in one weekend (both of which went AWESOME-LY) and everything for Senior Sem continued to pile up. I had to write my literature review and edit my paper and write my findings.... it was a whole mess of writing and research that I almost got behind on but managed to hold myself together pretty well. As for Breakbeats, the awareness and demand for our team has finally built up to the point where we're getting asked to do shows almost every weekend. This past weekend only the glowstick spinners were requested!! How awesome is it that we now have three parts to our team that can perform individually from one another?? PRETTY DAMN AWESOME!! Remind me to tell you after I recap everything my decision for that team...
This past weekend we had a double horse show at Morrisville State College. This Equine center is amazing btw. I showed both days but before I get to how I did lemme just paint you a picture of how much I hated the week preparing for it. I was yelled at all week long for looking weak on horses that I had never ridden before. OK yes, it's exciting that I'm being put on new ponies because that means I'm getting more advanced and Cindy trusts me to experiment with horses I have no past with. But at the same time, you can't just throw someone on a new horse and then expect them not to screw up!! I was stressing out all week and crying almost every night because I was so fed up with her making me feel like I'm not good enough to be on the team. I wanted to quit riding on Thursday night after I self assessed my readiness for Morrisville. Anyway, I went to Breakbeats and they made me feel better about myself and then Friday I had my glowsticking performance, which was fun. Then I showed on Saturday and was in a class with really good riders. Cindy said that they all looked like they should've been in Advanced WTC (I'm currently in beginners). So when they announced that I had won third place I was pretty pissed. The team won by 15 point though so I wasn't entirely mad, I mean a team victory still means a victory regardless of how I placed. Sunday I woke up feeling better about myself and more determined than I had EVER been before to win a blue ribbon.... I wanted that blue ribbon more than anything!! So I watched my horse in the classes before mine and learned what I needed to do. Then I hopped on, talked to him, and asked him to PLEASE make me look good so I could win. And guess what.... I WON MY BLUE RIBBON!!!! Now I'm only 2 points away from becoming an advanced WTC :)

There's a home show this Saturday and I don't think I'm showing since I only have 2 points left. Nevertheless I will be handling a horse and proud to be supporting my team from the sidelines (I really wanna be ribbon girl so hopefully I get a jumping horse to handle). This Friday Breakbeats is double booked for ISU and Stompin Soles. Unfortunately because of the show on Saturday and the fact that I have to be working by 6am, I won't be able to perform... The shows are at 7pm and 9pm. If I have to be up super early, I'm going to be super early... aka no performance :(

Now here's for my news about my decision with Breakbeats: I've decided to make the transition from performer to organizer. OK organizer isn't the best way to put it but more like eagle eye. I'll go to all the practices and dance with my team but when it comes to performances I will be the one to step out and make sure that the spacing is all good and stuff like that. That way, no one who really wants to perform will have to do that to make sure that we all look good. That's the down fall to not having a director in the group... there are too many leaders and not enough followers. The other thing I hate about this group is that we try to put EVERYONE in EVERYTHING. When I suggest that some people not be in certain dances they get all tense and try to make it work with everyone dancing. It's not that big of a deal to step out of one performance and do another. But whatever, I'm over it and I will not be performing for the rest of the year, except for glowsticks since there are only three of us who know how to do it and one is going abroad next semester. I'll still choreograph of course but you know, if no one else will step out of performances to make room on the stage, then I'll do it. That's my big decision that I've been struggling with since the beginning of the year.

Now that I've caught you all up on what's been going on, here's something else that I figured everyone should be in the know... My mom's cousin, Colleen Hanabusa, is the new congresswoman representative from Hawaii!!!!!!! WUT WUT?!?! We're all so very proud of her and she totally deserves it. You know what that means?? I get to go with the fam to DC for her induction ceremony thing. HOW AWESOME IS THAT?! On top of that great news, my cousin just had her baby recently :) Baby Ryden is now a member of our crazy family. Congrats Bliss and Ryan!! I can't wait to come home and meet Ryden. Another exciting baby story... my supervisor, Michelle, just had her baby at the beginning of this month as well :) Baby Ryan Nicholas is now a member of the office family!! So many new souls being brought into this world. How cool!! Congrats Michelle, but hurry back, the office is lonely without you!!

I think that's all that I needed to catch you up on. If I left anything out, like my crazy work and school lives, I'll be sure to update you after the horse show. After all, Thanksgiving is just next week and I have PLENTY of free time during break to fill you in on everything. Until then... Laters!

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