Sunday, August 18, 2013


Well, I'm not in China yet... but yes I am finally moving forward.  Last week Sunday, I had to say good bye to Jeremy and Tiger.  My heart was (still is a little) broken and since then I have felt like time has gone by so slowly.  I tried to keep majorly busy but getting more done in a day has made my time feel like it's going by even more slowly.  You know that feeling that when you get a week's worth of errands done in a couple of days and all of a sudden it's like hello, it's only Wednesday. FML. Yea that's what I've been struggling with. But enough about the sad parts, let's talk about the happy parts.  On Monday, I met a woman who has given me more information about China than I could have EVER asked for.  She even gave me her Pimsleur Mandarin lessons so that I could learn a few phrases before I go! On Tuesday, I met the group of people who will be working with me (all from Oregon).  That was my most favorite part of the week.  They all left for Jinan on Thursday but I'm still here.  I will be meeting up with them in a week or so.  On Wednesday, I met up with Robbie.  It's been way too long! On Thursday, Friday, and Saturday... Ummmm well you know the usual, good bye parties, bank notifications, packing (oh the packing), and much much more.  I am sooooo nervous that I won't be able to fit everything into my car.  It's amazing how much you can accumulate in just two years of living.  But it will be OK. Mom is on her way here to help me pack up my car.  She's the queen of tetris! If anyone can make it fit, she can.  I've already let go of so many memories and objects that remind me of Jeremy.  I can't bare to say good bye to any more of my things.  I hope that I'll be able to get through this as quick as possible.  I don't want to hurt any more.  I just wish I was on my way already.  In the next week, I will be driving to California with my mom to help my sister move from San Diego to Mission Viejo, flying home for a day (hopefully more), and then flying to China from there.  I can't believe that this is all happening right now.  So much change in such a short amount of time.  I cry every time I walk out of my (formally our) bedroom and see nothing but boxes, suitcases, and empty walls.  It hurts but it's time.  I miss my boys dearly and I will miss Bend and everything that comes with Bend: friends, memories, school.  I hope to see you again some day.  Until then... Laters.

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