Monday, March 22, 2010

back from break

Ok... so I haven't updated in a LONG time. Here's some of the reasons why: 1) midterms raped me; 2) spring break; 3) tears and heartache; 4) smiles and laughs; and 5) just couldn't express myself to the world yet. So let's go all the way back to Thursday March 11th when I became suddenly single again.
March 11: I woke up from a text message that notified me that Justin had messaged me via facebook at 4am. I was already exhausted from midterms since I had three, one in test form and two in paper form (both ended up being 9 pages long). I was both physically and mentally exhausted. Unfortunately this story doesn't have a happy ending just yet because I was now emotionally unstable. He had decided that we were in the relationship with really nothing to hold on to. I put up a mild fight but after separating myself from the situation and mediating myself I learned that he was right. I needed to let go. It was time to start climbing back up to the surface (those of you who know my analogy of "love" will understand that last statement). I continued throughout the day with a mask hiding my broken heart. This very same day I was hit on by 4 guys... SERIOUSLY?! is there some kind of code that guys get via text the minute someone is single so that they can jump on that?? Maybe it was because I dressed up to make me appear stronger and more confident than I was really feeling. I'm not sure. All I know is that I had a great Thursday evening with Breakbeats breaking walls :) I love you guys, you make me smile in my darkest times.
March 12: FREEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! I turned in my last exam and rode a horse. Then I cleaned my room and packed for Spring Break :) Little did I know, this spring break would be the spring break that would heal me in the shortest amount of time possible. I met new friends, felt love from a family, and reconnected with Jeremy. I spent all of Friday evening relaxing and just getting myself prepared for the 5 hour drive to Pennsylvania.
March 13: I couldn't sleep in past 8. I woke up so excited for my first solo long distance drive to Swigman's house. I left early, grabbed some breakfast and lunch on the road and just used the time to get my head cleared. When I arrived at the Wigman's house I was greeted with friendly welcoming faces. I knew in an instant that I would love them like they were my own family.
March 14-20: The days weren't particularly planned. We used some of them to do work and others to get some retail therapy in. I bought some cute dresses and spring outfits for great prices. We baked brownies and ate a ton of great food. We went to see a show called Respect. It was about womens' lives through popular songs by women. It was basically an amazing show. I had my very first water ice from Rita's. For those of you who don't know what it is, it's basically a slushy or slush puppy but not quite so watery and eaten with a spoon rather than drunken from a straw. I had chocolate fudge :) of course.
March 21: I left early Sunday morning and got back to campus. I did some Walmart shopping and then just hung out in my room the rest of the night. I texted Jeremy pretty much all night.
Today: I woke up ready to start the day. I realized that I hadn't stretched at all during the break so basically I was in for a fun Jazz class haha. I was so excited to be dancing again. I really needed to do some physical activity. I rather enjoyed dance and Anthro this morning but then I went to Stats and wanted to kill myself. It was SO boring and our prof isn't very good. He's so scatter brained that it's just ridiculous. He gave us back out midterms and I got an 80 on the second part which means overall I got an 82 :( I'm not too happy with that score because I could have gotten a 95 had I not messed up the one problem with the frequencies and percentages.... GRRRRRRR. I'm expecting to get my Anthro and Theory papers back within the next week or so. Can't wait.... PSYCH! Theory class today was pretty interesting. I contributed positively to the discussion and I'm pretty excited because usually I'm completely lost the entire time. Thursday I have a paper due on a stance for Education. I'm not entirely sure what the guidelines are yet so I haven't started :/ It has to be 3-4 pages...... wait for it...... SINGLE SPACED!!!! and emailed... not handed in hard copy. A little against the norm but what ever. So as soon as I figure out what to write about I'll be doing that for the next few nights. I'll probably update you next week after my mediation training this weekend. Another 15 hours of class added onto Saturday and Sunday. So excited :) anyways... until next time, Laters!

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