Monday, March 8, 2010

long over due update

Hey everyone. Sorry I haven't updated you in a while... I believe it's been 10 days?? Well let's start from the beginning. I got my paper back on the 3rd. This is the one for Theory... the one that I stressed over and got sick from because I forgot to eat and didn't sleep and spent literally 20-24 hours on it. Well let's just say I did worse than average. So I had a nice long cry over it and became really frustrated that I was being told not to worry about it. Something that I learned this weekend is that sometimes it's NOT helpful to calm someone down when they're upset. Sometimes you HAVE to let them get it all out in a tantrum like manner. So I cried and yelled and threatened a lot of people to stop being my friend because they weren't helping. If you're reading this, SORRY GUYS!! Then I sat down and worked on my second paper for Theory. It's due on Wednesday and I've already finished a good portion of it so I've finally calmed down about it. I've been stressing about it since I got the assignment.

Then on Friday the 5th I went to riding. I was stressed, angry, frustrated, and tense. The horses obviously felt that from me so they reflected it right back to me. I looked awful and felt tired. I was exhausted by the end of the first lesson and I had practice immediately after. When I was tacking up the horse I was riding stepped on my foot! Now it's all bruised and I couldn't even dance today :( I almost cried because it was so depressing having to just watch my class.

Then Saturday and Sunday came along and can I just say that my 10am-6pm mediation training was the greatest experience of my life? I absolutely loved it and was amazed that I learned so much in such a short amount of time. My instincts changed and I learned to listen and reflect. I learned so much about conflict and how to resolve it without becoming biased. I have to keep practicing of course but I still feel a MAJOR sense of accomplishment. I find myself doing some of the practices even without thinking about it. I'm looking for some conflicts to practice mediating if anyone has any problems let me know ;) I managed to help a friend who wanted to quit his sport. We talked for an hour. He was incredibly upset and was a bit of a mess but by the end of the hour he was smiling and talking about moving on and we came up with a solution that helped him get over his anger. It was nice to know that I could really use my training right away. I've become a really good listener and love that I learned about myself by listening to other people. After my training I managed to get some work done. I finished a couple drafts of my Theory paper and managed to study for my stats midterm.

Today was my stats midterm and I F*CKED IT UP!!!!!!! I completely overlooked the fact that one of the tables was a percentage table and not a frequency table so I answered all of the questions after it as if all the percentages were frequency values. I can't believe that I messed that up and that's probably like 10 points off so now the highest grade I can get is a 90. FML! I'm finally breathing now that the in-class midterm is out of the way. My paper is well on it's way to being done and I have one more take home midterm due Friday. That's gonna be a pain to work on because it's very very very specific and I have to go back into the text to find the information. Hopefully I can get through it. On the plus side, it's all very concrete so once I find the answer I'll know it's the answer.

So back to my point on the title line: long over due update. This is basically the first time all week that I've been able to find time to update you all. Spring break is next week so I'll DEFINITELY be updating you on all my adventures in Philly with SWIGMAN!!!!!!! I'm driving there so It'll be my first solo long distance drive. So wish me luck! Until then.... Laters!

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