Saturday, February 27, 2010

longest horse show EVER!

First of all can I just say that home shows are already long. We usually wake up and start working by 6:45. The show usually starts at 8 and we're out of there by 5pm if we're lucky. Because it was snowing all last night through until now (it's still snowing), we postponed the show until 10am this morning. Therefore, we didn't get done with the show until 7pm. I wasn't showing so I just handled my baby Blue :D. Everyone was really tired and grouchy by the end of the night. We lost to Hartwick!!!!!!! WTH?! Next weekend is Hartwick's show so we'll be sure to take their home show victory away from them. I was pissed when I got back to my room but then I looked over at my window to see five stems sprouting in my cup of soil :). Last Tuesday I had planted some seeds in hope of growing some flowers for a little piece of spring. It made me smile to know that within less than a week my flowers have started to grow and are looking very healthy! That's pretty much the only thing that has been keeping me smiling for the last couple of days.

I turned in three more applications and haven't heard back from any of them.... LAME. But I can't do anything about the fact that the economy sucks right now. I have been keeping up with my homework because I haven't been doing anything other than riding, dance, and school work. Occasionally I go out on the weekends but not very often. It's getting depressing in my room. No life in my room (hence why I planted flowers... it's a form of life!!), only my computer to communicate with people... I've become a hermit. Spring break is in two weeks and midterms is in one. Bring on the stress! I have to start choreographing for Breakbeats again because we need 12 pieces and we only have 7. There's a month (technically) before the Rithmos show and we're probably performing at Pulse as well (even though we don't know when that is). We have the Aca dinner to perform at in late April (I think) and then of course there's our show that we have to prepare for. So basically we have to get a lot of crap done. Can you believe that we're 2 weeks away from the half way mark?! It's amazing how quickly these past few weeks went by so quickly. It felt long but then I look at how much is left and I realize that the weeks are crossing off so quickly. This is making me PANIC. If I don't start working soon I don't really see the point in living here for the summer. I'm not going to have anything to do. So it's one of those moments where I'm like, "is it really worth even looking for a place to live anymore?" "Should I just come home?" I'm starting to hate Skidmore. I love the teachers and the classes but the people I have to interact with on a day to day basis are annoying. Skidmore is such a high school!! There was a rumor going around about the riding team and Breakbeats is getting an amazing reputation that's hard to keep up. So everyone knows me as this ridiculous contradictory of a good and bad students based on the extra curriculars I do. Well SCREW YOU SKID KIDZ I'm over it. Just gimme the damn degree and let me leave already.

I'm sure I have a lot more to say but there's nothing I can really think of at the moment. I know that soon enough I'll be back on the computer typing out all my problems for the world to read (because my life is really that interesting). Special shout out to Justin because he's had a rough weekend too. Even when you make me worried, I still manage to smile at the sound of your voice :) Thanks for calling me this morning. To everyone else, enjoy the random updates. Until next time.... Laters!

1 comment:

  1. When you taste life abroad, Skid sucks. And take it from me. I hated it before I even left lol
