Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Time to catch my breath. I've been going non-stop since last week. Here are some highlights:

I hosted four prospective students. One was through discovery tour but the other three were just random for accepted students/admissions days. (I actually have one in my room as I type this out :D) I love hosting! It's nice to be there for them when they're trying to make such a difficult decision. So far I've loved them all (the discovery tour girl kinda pushed my limits and tested my boundaries of tolerance but I got free bowling out of it so that was fun). I get so lonely in my single so it's nice to be able to share my room again.

My work load has lightened up significantly. I have to work on my reading for Anthro (I'm only half way through the book and we're supposed to be done). I have to keep working on my presentation for Stats. I am presenting on the state of Oregon. I am looking at Poverty levels as my dependent variable and 4 independent variables: College graduate, female head of household, density, and occupation in agriculture. Surprisingly the only two that have statistical significance (which means that there is a relationship) is female head of household and occupation in agriculture. So if you come across a household that is female headed with no spouse present and she works in some agricultural occupation, you can expect that her chances of being below the poverty line are incredibly high! If you graduated from college it doesn't mean that you'll be above the poverty line... there's just no statistical evidence of it. And it doesn't matter how densely populated your county is, you have just as much of a chance of being below the poverty level as the rest of the state.... WOW I'm a nerd. But hey my presentation is on Monday and I've been working on it for the last two days. I'm actually pretty excited about this presentation. It will mark the last assignment I have to do before the final.

I have to start working on my Education Curriculum project. I'm working with Mike P., Mike B., and Alex. Go figure I'm the only chick in that group. I'm also the only one who bothers to take notes and email everyone to make sure we're on top of things (again go figure). We decided to do a multi elementary grade circus. AKA everyone comes together to put on a great show for their parents at the end of the year. They get to pretend to be part of a circus. An example that we came up with to explain things is that the second graders could be lion tamers while the kindergarteners get to be the lions. Get the picture?? It's pretty exciting to be planning. Although I'm not entirely sure what the point of our project is in terms of education. I get to be the guidance counselor though :D I would have preferred to work with troubled middle schoolers but hey you can't have it all right?

I am currently learning how to glowstick so that Nick and I can do it for breakbeats next year. I managed to bruise every knuckle on my left hand as well as give myself rope burns on my wrists. I'm pretty sure I have hidden bruises on my chest and legs since I hit myself multiple times. But it's all fun in any case. Jeremy wants me to try spinning poi/fire..... um YEA RIGHT!!!!! I can't even spin glowsticks! It's a different technique and apparently spinning poi is about 500 times harder to learn. And let's not even get me started on the fire thing! I will literally die if I try that. I will probably have to go to the hospital if I so much as attempt to spin fire.... Sorry sweetie. No fire for me!

This week:
I have one more prosby coming tomorrow and I'm taking her to see Oceans along with Jen and Lei. Then on Friday I have breakbeats team bonding. We're going rock climbing for 2-3 hours and then dinner. Probably hanging out later at hick A cuz that's the place we designated as the party house for our team :P Then on Saturday I have to fake hula for the ACA dinner. Not sure how that will go but I'll def let you know. I have an all too busy weekend coming up for me but after this is done.... NOTHING UNTIL FINALS!!! How scary is that?! In dance we started preparing for the final exam and that scares the hell out of me! I hate being tested in dance. This is why I don't go for auditions!!!! I just dance for fun. Oh well. Can't have it my way all the time.

Anyway that's all the updates I have for you for now. Oh yea! Only one month left until I get to be with Jeremy :) So excited! I have 2 weeks until the end of classes and 3 until finals. Then I go home for a week and then it's off to California for A LOT of fun :D The semester if finally finishing! I can't believe how long it felt but it's finally almost over. I'll be sure to update you on EVERYTHING that goes on in this crazy time since I know there is only more drama to come. Until then... Laters!

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