Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Hello April

This month is insanely busy. It started with body aches. Then I had to work at regionals for equestrian on April 3rd. This is when I really started to feel sick and lost my voice. Then I had chills and a fever and a paper due all in the same week. I was ready to die by Tuesday April 6th. My paper was due Friday, I was hosting a prosby on Thursday. Also on Thursday was Junior bowling night as well as breakbeats practices. This was not helping my flu-like symptoms at all. My prosby loved it at Skidmore though :) Friday I went riding and felt better. Then Saturday and Sunday I took the whole weekend to get better. I thought I was completely better until my gums started bleeding and my fever came back. Now I'm finishing up my education paper and I just turned in my Stats assignment. So basically this week is almost done and I'm not really feeling much better than I was feeling last week. I had a fever last night and I'm hosting tomorrow night. On Friday I am performing in the Rithmos show and the Northwoods drawing is coming up on Friday so hopefully Raisa, Maria, Cayenne, and I get the apartment we want. Next week I have nothing on my calendar aside from normal classes. The following week after that is when my final project is due for Stats and my curriculum sharing project is due for education. And that's the end of April.. Man time goes by so quickly. April is always a busy month and it's such a scary idea that the year is almost over.

One of the only things that's keeping me from going completely insane is all the text messages from Jeremy. He keeps me smiling and prevents me from worrying about anything that isn't immediately important. There's only a few more weeks until I get to see him :D He makes me so twitterpated. The things we talk about make me feel really certain about life. I can't think about him without either smiling or feeling like I'm invincible. I haven't been this optimistic since the Fab 5 was established. I can't wait until I get to see him :)

Next week I don't really have anything and therefore will not be logging on here much. Hopefully something interesting will occur so that I can update you. If not then you will have to wait until next month.... Until then... Laters!

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