Monday, June 21, 2010

Back in the 518

So here's an incredibly late update....

June 11: My family gets up to San Diego. My cousins, Uncle Grant, Auntie Sandy (who is Uncle Grant's sister), and Grandma all stay in the Marriott that has TWO floors. My parents stay with Rendi and I at Rendi's place.

June 12: We wake up at 7am to get ready to go meet the rest of the family at the hotel. We get to the hotel at around 8 and then all head out to the San Diego Zoo. We stay there from opening until about 4 or 5. Then we went shopping. I was EXHAUSTED by the end of the day. Jeremy called me on this day :) but I was too tired to really talk. Plus I had NO privacy with my parents in one room and my sister in the other.

June 13: RENDI GRADUATED!!!!! We spent all afternoon in the sun. Then we took family pictures. When I say family pictures I mean pictureSSSSSS. We had about ten different groupings such as kids, grandkids, those who chose, families, etc. And we took multiple pictures of each group.... serious, funny, funnier, etc. Then we went to dinner at a ridiculously high class restaurant and had a BLAST!!!!!

June 14: Another early day going to the San Diego Wild Life Park. I saw my CHEETAHSSSSSS :D I loved it more than I thought I would but I was so grouchy afterwards. I was so F'n tired!!!!! It was hot and I was getting sun burnt. I think we went shopping after that but I don't really remember.

June 15: We head up to LA to go to DISNEYLAND!!!! Then we go to Ontario Mills and eat at Rainforest Cafe. OMG I almost had the same waitress as when I was there for my birthday!!!!! I said hi to her and she was like "omg you look totally familiar!!!" And then she started re-enacting all the highlights from that night :) She wants Jeremy and I to go back and request for her haha. Then we headed back to the Disneyland Hotel before going out to Disneyland that night.

June 16: All day at Disneyland :D Saw FANTASMIC!!!!!!

June 17: Breakfast at Goofy's Kitchen :D :D best breakfast EVERRRRRRRR!!! Then California Adventure Park. Then we saw fireworks!!

June 18: California Adventure Park again.... SAW WORLD OF COLOR!!!!! Sooooo good!!!!!!!!

June 19: Family goes off to the airport. I go back to SD with Rendi. I head off the airport.... end of family trip :(

June 20: I'm back in Toga and running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to settle in. I managed to unpack and take inventory of everything I needed, i.e. pots, pans, dishes, etc.

June 21: GROCERY SHOPPING!!!!!! I was hungry when I left the apartment so I bought a lot of foods that I hope I still have a craving for tomorrow haha. That's pretty much it for now... The apartment is good but not quite home. I think I'm giving blood tomorrow. I'm definitely getting braces on Wednesday and a week from Wednesday is when JEREMY COMES TO VISIT!!!!!!!!!! I'm soooooooooooo excited and I can't wait to see him. I thought we would have to wait until September to see each other again but NOPE!!!!! I get to see him in a little over a week :D :D :D :D OMG I'M SO EXCITED !!!!!!!!!!! I'll definitely update you before he comes but I'm beat now so I'm gonna head off to bed... Until then... Laters!

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