Wednesday, July 7, 2010

just so you know

things have been crazy busy!!!! I got back to Ballston and NOTHING happened. So I didn't update this blog for a while. I spent a few days cleaning and what not in my apartment. When I got notification of Jeremy coming to visit from June 30th to July 5th, I was so happy words can't come anywhere close to describing what I felt. I couldn't wait for him to get here. The morning of the 30th I woke up and cleaned one more time just to pass the time until I needed to get Jeremy from the airport. I checked the JFK website and saw that his flight had been cancelled. I FREAKED!!!! I called Jeremy and told him and he thought I was joking. I said "no really, baby, check on it. Your flight is cancelled!" So he called me back about an hour later and said "The words are like stones in my heart but my flight is cancelled." I thought I was going to faint when he said that. He got another flight but it would have taken away an entire day that we would have spent together AND they were flying him into Boston!!!! Jeremy found another flight going out earlier and harassed the airlines about it and got onto the earlier flight. This flight brought him into JFK around 12:40. I went into the baggage claim and saw him walk through the doors. He didn't know I would be in baggage claim so when he saw me he had the BIGGEST smile on his face I have ever seen in my life :D Then we got his bags, hopped in the car, and Jeremy drove us back to Ballston. By the time we got back to the apartment it was 5am and we were both EXHAUSTED. We spent the next 24 hours in bed. Occasionally we got up to go to the bathroom and eat, but that was about it.
On July 2nd we ate lunch for Jeremy's birthday at Sushi Thai (I managed to steal the bill and pay before he could see what it was lol) and hung out around campus for a while. We ate dinner at Hatties for our anniversary of meeting and I was supposed to pay but he gave the waitress his card when she brought the bill which meant that he paid without knowing how much it was. I was mad that he paid for our anniversary dinner since it was my choice to eat there. But thanks for my first and best anniversary ever, baby :) I love you so much!!!!
We spent the next day in the apartment and went to the grocery store in the evening. It's always fun grocery shopping with Jeremy :) We have so much fun doing the simplest things. Jeremy wanted a bag of Sun Chips. Do you have ANY idea how much noise those bags make?! They're soooo annoying! And I made my feelings about those bags very clear to him. Of course, what does he do?? He crinkles the bag so that more noise is constant. After I got him to stop he said, "ok now that I have a migraine, let's put these in a ziploc." I laughed because he admitted that the bag annoyed him more than it did me :P WIN :D
July 4th: I packed up heaps of food for our time in Congress Park. We left the apartment around 6:30 and hung out in the park until the end of the fireworks at like 10. I packed spam musubis, salad, chips, cookies, chocolate coins, and water. I bought ice cream and we ate ice cream cookie sandwiches :) DELICIOUS!!!! We met a family who had an Akita that was only 11 weeks old. Cutest puppy ever!!! We both want one. We talked with each other for 3 hours and just imagined what it would be like to the family we met. I think it's safe to say that we both want that to happen eventually. It was an incredibly romantic evening. Picnic, hours of talking, fireworks, waiting in the parking lot for the traffic to die down, more talking. It was just a perfect 4th of July. I love you so much, baby J!!!
I started school on the 5th of July and had to leave the apartment for a while. When I got back from my class, Jeremy was writing in his journal to me. I left him alone so he could finish that. Then I massaged him and we spent the last few hours together watching Final Destination 2. We watched A LOT of movies while he was here.... I think we got through about a quarter of all the DVDs I own... and that's a lot. I took him to Crossgates and we ate dinner before heading down to JFK. I dropped him off at the airport his co-leads and he were staying at while the kids flew in and then I had to say good bye. I had never felt so much pain before. I know I'm seeing him again in 2 months but it still hurt. I even promised not to wear any make up until he was back in the States. I have currently gone 3 days without make up and I will continue with this until he's back in August. I can't wait to see him in September.

On a happier note.... Class and work started. Class is SO great. I am super interested in this class and I love my Prof as well as the material she's covering. I started to meet some of the kids in my class but they're all 4-5 years younger than me so it's weird. Work is also amazing!! I get paid to help with random projects like pre-or, Skidmazing race, Starr, and video clip editing. Today I got paid to watch Boyz N The Hood for a specific scene to edit. I LOVE MY JOB!!!! I also helped with Skidmazing race. Melito is part of that and I never thought I'd see her again!! Damnit. haha. I promise I'll try not to go so long without updating you again. Baby I miss you already and I hope you have an amzing time in Africa. Thanks for making the trip out here happen. Like you said, "This was time stolen, I wasn't supposed to see you until September." I love you so much and I hope you know that :) For everyone else, Thanks for reading!! Until then.... Laters!

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