Tuesday, August 3, 2010


OMG fine! You win!! Every time I try to separate myself from my parents, something bad happens. When I get into a fight with them, when I travel without them, when I do something that either of them disapproves of.... the list goes on. Basically if I'm not the daughter that they want me to be, something bad happens. Karma should be renamed My Parents.

Last night I got mad at my mom because she was telling me something I didn't want to hear. Whether I needed to hear it or not, I have yet to decide. So yea, I blew up at her. Most daughters do that all the time when they're in high school, but I didn't; I ALWAYS kept my comments to myself because I was always afraid she would get mad at me and I hate when my mom and I don't have a peaceful atmosphere around us. So the solution is simple: keep your comments to yourself=keep the peace. This was one of the few times we actually have a full blown disagreement and I got openly mad at her, and of course, crap starts to happen to me.

This morning I heard a noise in some plastic bags. I thought maybe the wind is moving them. It was 5am so of course I'm disoriented. I fall back asleep. Then I hear a thud from upstairs and think "oh those guys again" but I was more awake this time. I hear more plastic bags rustling and decide to check it out. I open my closet, nothing, I go lie down in bed. I see something move from my closet to my window, climb up my curtain, and scamper across my books.... it's a mouse. HOW THE HELL DID A MOUSE GET INTO MY APARTMENT?! I freak out of course because I don't know what to do. So I grab a bag and try to catch it. I screamed twice cuz it first jumped at me, and then ran toward my feet on the ground. I eventually manage to chase it out of my apartment. I don't know where it is in relation to the rest of the house (since I'm in a basement apartment) but I know it left my living room and went out into the stair area that leads outside. I come back into my room to vacuum just in case it left any "presents" in my room, and find fungus. Yes, that's right. All those times my apartment flooded, apparently the floor didn't dry well because my apartment is always so humid. The floor always feels sticky and has always felt sticky. If I lie down on the carpet to do my homework or something I always get up feeling damp. That's just how the apartment has always felt. But low and behold I'm growing fungus through my carpet. I called my landlord (sorry for the 6am wake up call but this is an emergency!) and he said he'd be down before 8:30 to take a look. I have to leave for school at 8:45 but I trust him in my apartment without me there; he's a good guy.

So there you have it. Less than 12 hours ago I was writing my mom an angry email and feeling frustrated. Now I have a major headache and I'm pretty sure my stress level went from a 5 on the Chelsey Scale to a 9.8.... now if you compare my scale to a normal person's scale.... I went from a 10 to a 20 on a scale of 1-10. You know what?? I surrender. Karma, you win! I'm sorry I ever doubted my parents' decisions. I'm meant to be the daughter I was in high school. Doing everything because everyone expects me to do it. I'm applying to Disney in Florida. That's that. No more stress about it.

I, Chelsey, am applying to Disney World's Disney College Program for the fall semester of 2011.

It's in writing for everyone to see. The next time I question it.... SOMEONE PLEASE REMIND ME OF THIS BLOG ENTRY AND I'LL GLADLY STOP B*T*HING ABOUT IT.

Skid Kidz.... F*** it!! Call me what you want. I don't care anymore. Give me the judgmental stares of "You're how old?? and you want to do what??" I rather have my parents think I'm the girl I was when I left for college than have you think I'm the girl I was when I got there. It's not like I'm keeping in touch with any of you when I leave... I don't even keep in touch with you when I'm not on campus. So judge all you want. Just don't talk to me because "you heard I'm a Disney Freak."

Mom, I'm sorry for getting mad at you but there's just more to the frustration than I led you to believe. That's what I do, I avoid confrontation and find other excuses so that it seems like I'm doing it for other reasons. I don't know why I do it.

J, K, and the other girls I asked about this problem, thanks for the advice but I don't think I'm ever going against the crowd ever again... I'm doing what everyone else wants me to do because... well... honestly, it's just safer for my health. Avoid going against the crowd=avoid stressing so much. See you in class!

Jeremy, take care of yourself!! Sorry you're so sick on the first few days back in the country :/ Nice welcome home present huh?? I love you so much.

Everyone else, sorry for the schizo ness of these last few blogs. I'm just giving into my natural personality.... I'm a 4.5 out of 5 in the neuroticism category of my personality test you know. Also studies have shown that neurotic people prefer to stress before an event because they feel that it will benefit them in the overall outcome.... aren't you glad I'm taking a psych course this summer??? So to recap... I'm doing Disney in Florida; I am still applying to UPS but should I get accepted to both, I will have to defer to the next semester; I will never disagree with my parents ever again and if I don't like what they're saying, I'll keep my mouth shut like I have in the past; I am going to try my hardest to stop being so self conscious about what the Skid Kidz say about me (I mean, I named them Skid Kidz for a reason....); and I will act like I hyped up on Serotonin, Endorphins, and Dopamine to be the happiest, highest, drunk-sounding person in the world (I'll have to act like that when I work for Disney won't I??) I'll keep writing, if you keep reading! Until then... Laters.

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