Monday, October 25, 2010

Promised update

Hey everyone!! As I promised here is your update from this weekend.

Friday: I gave my workshop and it went really well. We have one more this coming Wednesday and we hope we can iron out a few bugs that we had with our workshop. Then I went to go take senior portraits. From what I could see on his camera screen they came out pretty nice. I have braces so of course that always makes me feel a little more insecure of my smile but everyone at Falstaff's said that I looked perfect.... we shall see when the proofs come in. Then I went to the barn to set up the ring for the show on Saturday. That was fun because Cindy was actually in a good mood. Then I went grocery shopping and did a little homework all before going to bed. I was in bed by 10 and knocked out by 10:30. Yay exhaustion :P

Saturday: 4:30am I wake up thinking I'm late. I look at my phone cry a little inside because I could have slept for another hour... but what ever I just get up anyway. I eat breakfast and get my things together and then Julia came and picked me up. 6:45am we're at the barn ready to work. I handled Junior--the HANDSOMEST pony I've ever handled... too bad he doesn't stand still. Then around 9 the show started and everything fell into place from there. I drew Brownstone--aka the horse that bucked me off and landed me in the hospital on the first day of lessons. We've had a special bond ever since then. Regardless, I rode as best I could and placed second. Not bad for my first time showing but not quite as satisfying as winning. Needless to say our team won with a PERFECT SCORE CARD :) We rock, Skidmore Equestrian Team!! Then I went home and ate lasagna--Raisa made it and it was HEAVENLY!! It only lasted us like a day and a half... if that!! Lol Then I h0pped on skype and talked with Grandpa Moose for 5 hours :) It was the best conversation I've held with someone because I haven't seen him in a year so we had a lot to catch up on. Both serious issues and jokes brought us closer than we had ever been. We have another session reserved for Thanksgiving... Grandpa Moose, good luck with your tests this week and with your conflicts we discussed :D I miss you and want my gingerbread cookies when I come home!!

Sunday: I woke up and went to the barn to walk my pony. He was excited I had treats for him and loved me for it. Then I came home around 11am and went straight to Senior Sem work. I literally worked on my univariate findings for 3 hours before settling on how to write it. Next I have to write up my theory section and do my theory powerpoint slide. I had done my bivariate slide before hand so that was one less thing I had to worry about. Of course my literature review is supposed to be growing as time passes but honestly, I'm stuck. I haven't worked on it since the last time we turned something in... which was only last week but still. I texted in my absence from practice, as I said I would in the last post. It was nice to get some work done and feel completely freaked about all the work I had on my calendar. Then around 3 I got a text from Jeremy, which was nice because I hadn't heard from him in a couple of days.... Last time I really talked to him was a while ago (I can't even remember specifically when). We continued to chat via text so that I could still get my work done at the same time. Then at 5pm the faculty and staff children came trick-or-treating to Northwoods and Scribner village apartments. Their costumes were pretty creative, I must admit. The first knock on our door was one of the trainer's sons and it was his first time trick-or-treating. He was cookie monster with a cookie bag for candy!!! How adorable is that?!?! I wanted to steal him :) I threw my lion blanket on and said I was a lion as I was handing out candy lol. Sad but I didn't want to dress up. It was my first time handing out candy!! I'm growing up :P Our house bonded together over the cute little kids who had really fancy (and weird and cute and everything else) costumes. Then we worked on homework a little more and by 10 everyone was in their rooms working. I was planning on going to bed but Jeremy kept me up because we felt that we should play catch up. So at 11:30pm I hopped on skype and we chatted for a few hours. I was able to coach him through a conflict as much as I could so now I can do my conflict coaching write up lol. Sorry J3, I'm using you for my advancement in my class and job :P I hope I at least helped :/ It was nice to see you and talk to you again.

So now I'm here on Monday afternoon writing to you. I have to get going to work pretty soon but please if anyone has any conflicts they would like coaching through or if a mediation is necessary, PLEASE come to me, I could use the practice!! Fight club has me at in-take hours from 1-4:30 on Mondays and 8:30-11:00 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. So please use me as a resource. The process is voluntary and confidential and I will be neutral. It's a great experience to partake in!! Hope to hear from you soon!! Until then... Laters!

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