Sunday, May 29, 2011

On The Road: Day 4

I almost drowned today. Here's what happened: We woke up in Terre Haute and hit the road by 8am. We drove to Chicago and saw Wrigley Field (home of the Cubs), United Center (home of the Bulls), and Soldier Field (home of the Bears). Well we sort of saw all those places. It was raining very hard and I could barely see 5 feet in front of me. After getting out of the city we stopped at a HUGE rest stop. It was literally like a food court in a mall. After getting some food and stretching our legs a bit, we headed back outside. At this point it was pouring buckets, lightning, and thundering outside. I was absolutely drenched after a second of being out from under the covers. I like storms, but this was just crazy!! I hopped in the back seat of the car and bundled up in hoodies and jackets and passed out.

I woke up an hour later to find out that we were in Wisconsin filling up gas. It was cloudy but not raining so I was a little disoriented for a while. I passed back out and woke up an hour later when we were at another rest stop. I moved to the front of the car and became navigator for the remainder of the trip. Just shy of two hours later we were in Minnesota looking at the Mall of America. It is GIGANTIC!! There are no words to describe this mall. You just have to see it. I can't wait to go in it. We got here after 7 and it's Sunday so we only have one day at the mall. Tomorrow we spend all day riding rides, shopping, and having fun in the mall. Then we spend the next night here again and head out to Omaha the next day.

We are well on our way to the west and I can't help but think about the fact that with each day I get farther and farther away from the place I called home for the last four years but closer and closer to the place I called home for 18 years before then and the place I will call home in the near future. It's weird to think about where I've been and the adventures I still have waiting for me (which you will get to read about!!). I can't wait to experience them and write them all down here. For now, I best be getting to bed because I have a full day of shopping to do tomorrow!! Until than... Laters

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