Sunday, May 22, 2011

School's Out!!

Hey everyone!! So it has been a while since I’ve updated this (AGAIN >_<), so here’s the abridged version.

Classes ended and I made a new friend :) His name is Matt and he's awesomely weird lol. We get along because of our weirdnesses. We had one class each semester together each semester and we only started talking when classes were done. He has SAD so I was very interested in talking with him about it (since that's what I wanna study and work with professionally). We became a lot closer than I ever thought possible in just a week. Then again that's how I felt about Chris when I met him in November. I just meet my best friends late in life... case in point fab 5 arose senior year of high school :/ What is wrong with me?? Don't answer that. Anyway, I didn't have finals so I got drunk a lot with other people who didn't have finals because we were just SO unbelievably bored. Finally it was senior week!!!

Senior week… Aiyayai that went by way too fast. Although I didn’t go to many events, I still had a lot of fun.

Friday was the kick off and because I was exhausted, I decided to ditch that after getting my wristband.

Saturday was senior fun day and I didn’t go to that either. Raisa and I decided to play just dance 2 on the wii instead. I did wanna go check it out but we were tired after playing and it was raining so Raisa said she didn’t wanna walk in the rain. I refuse to go to it by myself since I had too many enemies on campus.

Sunday my housemates didn’t wanna go bowling so we ditched that too, although we did get absolutely TRASHED. Matt also stopped by with Chris and we played doubles ruit. It was so much fun because we all won one and lost one. Matt and I made a pretty good team but then we got raped by Raisa and Chris.

Monday was the Booze Cruise and oh man was that fun!! There was a dance floor on the second level and I had the time of my life. I didn’t drink anything because of the rough night the night before but I still had a lot of fun ;) Monday was also Freshman dorm night. That was absolute crap because half the places were non-existent or not open, or unaware that we had something going on. Most people hit up Tavern after 1 or DA’s before that but Putnam Den was where it was really at. Again, Matt neglected to buy me my drink for losing his bet, but whatever.

Tuesday was supposed to be a movie night but it got canceled due to the rain. To be honest, I really can't remember what we did on this day/night.

Wednesday was the commencement rehearsal and Senior Formal. The senior formal was AMAZING!! I couldn’t believe that regardless of having to leave early I had the best time of my life.

My CBEST test was Thursday morning at 8am and I got back to campus around 11. I slept until 3 and then had to get up to pack. Raisa, Maria, and I ate at Ravenous (HIGHLY recommended) for dinner and then took the rest of the night to pack up since my family was just getting in to NY. I went to a late dinner with them at Hattie’s. Then I brought them back to my house to play just dance wii (HILARIOUS!!). Then I went off to my friends’ birthday parties. Natalie and Alex Costa had their birthday parties on Thursday with a rubix theme. It was a very entertaining party. Matt was supposed to meet me at the party but FELL ASLEEP!!!!! So I was mad at him…. Well actually that’s a lie. I wasn’t mad, just drunk haha.

Friday morning I woke up and got ready for the Senior athletic luncheon at 12, then the brick ceremony at 3:30 and the meet and greet for my department at 4. Then I had my last dinner in Nwoods with my favorite people. We cleaned and packed and pretty much got a massive headache from it. Matt came over and hung out with me for the last time :’( and then it was time for bed.

I had to wake up early so that I could pack up my car. My family met me for the last breakfast in Dhall. And finally it was the hour of graduation. I went early to catch people who were getting their diplomas. Took lots of pictures, walked, took more pictures, celebrated, you know the usual. My family loved it, I loved it, I’m sure my friends loved it. I said my good byes, packed up the last of my things, and headed out.

In the next post I'll tell you about what I'm up to now. Until then... Laters.

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