Sunday, December 27, 2009

Another Successful Christmas

So I finally found time to just sit alone in my room and blog. This weekend has been crazy! Christmas eve started it off. My family traditionally opens presents on Christmas eve. We get together at one house, eat dinner, and then wait open all the presents that are from friends and family. Opening presents usually carries us well into 11pm because we have so many to open and there are ALWAY heaps of laughs. Meelo and Mya (my cousin's two dogs) run around from person to person because of all the chaos from wrappings and bows flying around. This year I got clothes, jewelry, games, money, nail reinstones, and a laptop. That's pretty typical since I basically ask for clothes every year, and jewelry is a safe bet with me since I love it and will wear almost anything. Everyone knows about my obsession with butterflies so if it's got a butterfly on it, I love it. I got a necklace with diamonds on the middle of the butterfly, and a bracelet with a strand of butterflies. I got more but that's enough description for now. All I have to say is that all of it is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!! Then my parents and sister and I went home around 12 ish to get to bed. Then in the morning we opened our Santa presents. This part of our tradition is what makes Christmas so awesome. We get to open presents two days in a row. It's like having two Christmases! I got random things like a luggage lock, a plain black T-shirt that I can reinstone, and simple stuff like that. Then I went back to my cousin's house and we had lunch. We played BINGO like we always do and I won sooo many prizes! We always play so that everyone wins per round. But we get so many prizes that we eventually start to make up our own games. Like instead of playing regular bingo we play X (so that you have make an X before you can shout BINGO!) or we play four corners (where all four corners have to be called before you can shout BINGO!). We even started to get desperate and made up our own games, such as.... any three touching (self explanatory). I got a lot of prizes that I really liked and some that I didn't like quite so much. That's just part of playing the game though. If I wasn't able to play Bingo for Christmas I don't think I would have quite a Merry Christmas. It's a tradition. I absolutely love my family and friends. Thanks to everyone who gave me a present!! I can't wait to use/wear them. They're all so great and so are you :D

Sooooooo... after Christmas I went to the beach with Mandi and Leanna and Colin and we all had so many stories to update each other on. We stayed out on the beach for a couple hours but then went to see Avatar at Ward. AVATAR WAS THE MOST AWESOMEST MOVIE!!!!! I really want one of those flying dinosaur looking things. They were sooooo cool. That movie really makes you want to believe in a higher diety. They have so much faith in the world around them and they truely love nature. I wish I could be like that but being from the city, it's a bit harder to believe that buildings and concrete aren't the greatest inventions in the world. I need to go live out in the country for a little while :P Anyway, after the movie we wanted to go to dinner so we did. Then we drove around for like a half hour and ended up in Hawaii Kai. At this point in the night we had absolutely nothing to do because nothing was open. Then we saw that yogurt land was open and decided to have dessert. It was pretty good. We hung out in the shopping center for a little while. Then at around midnight we decided it was time to turn in for the night and we all went home. Colin drove us of course :)

I hope everyone had a successful Christmas and got everything they wanted. I'm already back to my hectic schedule and just waiting for the new year to come around so that I can work on my resolutions and what not. I'm working on my image/reputation. I'm going to stay single until August (well I'm gonna try) and not date or hook up with ANYONE. I also have to work on my body.... I'm gaining weight like crazy and have to start eating better and exercising more. When I go back to school I will definitely be watching my weight. I'm gonna work hard and get my grades up since at the moment they're a bit low. I have a lot to work on and I guess it's a good thing that I don't have very many friends at Skidmore this semester since they're all going abroad while I'm there. It's good because they won't be there to distract me. I'll be able to keep my focus and come up with a whole new image for myself to prove that I'm not entirely ridiculous. I'm ready to be taken seriously in more than one sense. This next semester is all about me... to figure out what I really want. I'll be free from "bad influences" for 6 months so I should be able to break bad habits. Hopefully this all works out and you'll be the first to know how my new self is going. Enjoy my updates!! Laters :)

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