Monday, September 9, 2013

Happy Teacher Appreciation Day!

Special shout out to the teachers of the world.  September 10th is teacher appreciation day in China and this is apparently a big deal. The administration gave everyone cards with gift certificates and each class gives each teacher a card or a gift.  When you walk into the room they say (well shout really) HAPPY TEACHER DAY! It was so much fun :) My AP-Level TOEFL class gave me a very beautiful card and my Japanese side kids gave me three gifts.  All the students have been so excited today. I am really loving being in classes on a regular basis helping students work on their applications and personal statements/essays.  It's all about the brand name of the school, you know? I've been trying to help the students de-stress a little but honestly, I feel like a bit of a hypocrite because I remember what it was like to be applying for schools... it sucked. Regardless, it's so much fun to have students walk past me and say hi and gawk a little bit because I look like I'm from China but I speak English. They grab every chance they can to talk to foreigners so that they can get some practice.  Unfortunately I'm no foreigner in their eyes so they don't stop me in the hall to talk to me.  They only come to my office to give me their statements and ask for help.  At least they use me as a resource.
Now on to the ugly news that I just got not too long ago.  Because Mid-Autumn Holiday is coming up next weekend, the school is allowing the students to go home Wednesday afternoon instead of Friday.  However, because we are missing two full days of school by doing that, we are making those classes up on Saturday and Sunday.  Isn't that interesting?! For every day that the school is not in session, those days are made up on the weekends. The schedule for the next week is always a mess because it changes so often! This experience is definitely helping me to go with the flow a little better haha! At least I get a lot of prep time during the day.  That's all I can think of for now with the updates so I'll let you know next weekend what I end up doing for the break! Until then... Laters.

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