Sunday, September 15, 2013

Hello day 7...

OF A 10-DAY WORK WEEK!!!! Yes. It is currently Sunday afternoon and I am just wrapping up a full day of work. Today (Sunday) was a Tuesday Schedule, yesterday (Saturday) was a Monday schedule, and we will be done with our week on Wednesday with a Friday short week schedule. Anyone else confused? Yea welcome to our world! JNFLS is not exactly known for their consistency. We're pretty much told the week before what our week ahead will look like. If you're lucky, you get told which classes have be at BEFORE you have to be there! I went to a class today that I thought I had but the schedule had been switched that morning so I no longer have that class on a short week. It would've been nice if someone told me so that I didn't have to walk across campus and up three flights of stairs but whatever, at least I didn't miss a class like I did the first week >.< oops. 10 days of classes, planning, and grading papers is definitely taking its toll on me. And I'm only at day 7.... Yikes! At least there's a 4-day weekend for the Mid-Autumn Festival to look forward to. When we get back, we have an 8-day week and then 6 days off! Wahooo!

Usually my days look like this:
5:45 wake up
6:30 breakfast is served
6:50 bus leaves
8-3:55 classes/prep
4:00 bus leaves campus
5:30 dinner is served
7:30 try to kill time until it's time for bed (usually this consists of adventures with my friends and colleagues into the city or hanging out in someone's apartment playing philosophical games)

With a schedule like mine, it's nice that we have an hour-long commute between our apartments and campus because I've definitely made use of that time.  In the morning I use it to fully wake up, choreograph, read, or socialize. On my way home I use it to let everything go so that I don't take the office home with me every night. It's really helped me relax a lot more. I think today on my way home I'm going to read again though. Eric lent me his copy of The Alchemist and I'm having a hard time putting it down :D

Next week, starting Monday, all the overseas teachers are required to start their club. Yes I got approved to start a dance club! I even picked out my speakers this afternoon.  The only catch is I can't only dance.  I have to find ways to provide the students with English speaking and listening tasks as well as leadership opportunities.... So I guess I won't be doing much Bliss exercising.  It's amazing how even non academic activities still have to be academic. I hope I can make it work!

In other news, I've made several fans. Yes I'm calling my students fans.  I've gotten four letters of appreciation in the last week! All of them are pretty much the same: Chelsey I love your class; I hope you will let me practice English with you; I really appreciate your help on my college applications... It's so cute how all these students are so thankful! I don't think anyone else has gotten letters which is why I'm calling them my fans... I got fan mail :P I've been using their letters as decoration in my room so that my room doesn't look quite so much like an insane asylum.

I'll let you know how the Mid-Autumn Festival goes.  Until then... Laters.

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