Monday, September 2, 2013

First post from CHINA!!

Well I’m finally on my way! Yes, I’m writing this on the plane but I’m posting from Jinan.  Before I tell you about my ridiculous flight situation, let’s go back a couple of days.  Since my last post, I was still in Hawaii waiting for my passport to arrive.  My employer emailed me on Thursday saying that my passport was mailed overnight to Hawaii and I should expect it to arrive by 3pm on Friday.  I said OK.  He then emailed me my eticket that told me that my flight was for Sunday at 10am.  Wait a minute, I don’t even know if my passport will be here on time and you’re booking me a flight on a day that mail doesn’t deliver on a holiday weekend?! What’s wrong with that picture? Stress level went from a 3 to about a 7 in one email.  I thought to myself, OK no worries, I still have Saturday as a buffer just in case.  Turns out my condominium doesn’t sort through their mail on Saturday so if the passport gets delivered from the post office, It might sit in the mail room until Tuesday anyway.  Yea, stress level elevated to a 10.  I had a very stressful Friday when I couldn’t track down my passport.  I decided I needed a night of fun to de-stress. So I texted my cousin and we were out that night to meet up with our other should’ve-been-cousin (really she’s pretty much part of the family regardless of not having married into the family).  I met awesome people who I hope I will get to see again when I get back and even reconnected with an old friend from high school.  It was an awesome night! 

Then Saturday morning came and at 7ish am my dad sent me three texts that said my passport came, when can I drive the car into town to get it (he needed the car), and never mind we’re coming to get you.  Yea I was in no state to drive. I didn’t even get those texts until a bit later when my aunty had already told me that they were on their way out.  But with passport in hand I was happy again.  My mom took me shopping and to lunch where I felt much better about my trip.  I even got to clean the condo for a little bit (yea cleaning is my self care.  Don’t judge. If you do just imagine how great it is for you if you lived with me lol). It wasn’t until later when I was at the Stan Sheriff center working, that it finaly hit me.  Holy Sh*t I’m going to China tomorrow. Anxiety level just jumped from zero to 9.  In the next post I’ll tell you about my flight. It’s exciting! Until then… Laters!

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