Tuesday, February 23, 2010

let it snow let it snow let it snow

If only it was good snow and not flavorless slush puppies. Driving in slush is crazy. It's like it's raining so you splash through puddles but its still snowing so it accumulates on your windshield and blocks your vision. Riding practice tonight was canceled because during my afternoon lesson all of our horses FREAKED out and a few started bucking. My horse spooked and wouldn't stand still after that. She kept coughing and shaking her head. It was rather scary. This snow is just being ridiculous to everyone and everything.

This weekend I went bowling on Friday. I went with Tal, Kadeem, and Dawid. We played four games and changed our names every game. It was hilarious! Kadeem was Kadeem, Killah, Studly, and Rum. Dawid was Dave, Duh, Smatas, and Tequila. Tal was Tally, Trapa, Sassy, and Patron. I was Chelc, Culprit, Sekc, and Vodka. Hopefully you can see the patterns we were following. The scores were pretty bad.

Game 1: Kadeem: 96. Dawid: 92. Tal: 105. Me: 65
Game 2: Kadeem (Killah): 104. Dawid (Duh): 50. Tal (Trapa): 108. Me (Culprit): 61Game 3: Kadeem (Studly): 78. Dawid (Smatas): 85. Tal (Sassy): 151. Me (Sekc): 116.

Game 4: Kadeem (Rum): 106. Dawid (Tequila): 86. Tal (Patron): 86. Me (Vodka): 62.

I bowled the last game with my left hand because my right hand was so sore!! How sad.... My score on my left hand was the same as my right hand haha. After the games we called it a night and went back to campus.

Saturday night I went to the movies with Jen :) We went to see Valentine's Day. Then that got out at 9 so we decided to see Dear John. BEST TWO MOVIES EVERRRRRRRRR!!!!! I cried throughout the ENTIRE movie of Dear John and absolutely fell in LOVE with Valentine's Day. I recommend both for everyone!!!!! I got back to my room and wrote a letter because I was so inspired by the movie to express how I felt. Ok so the letter got to be like 3 pages long but hey it was something that had to be written. Then I put the letter in a box and mailed the box with a bunch of other stuff to someone special. I won't say who it's for because you might be reading this and I don't want to ruin the surprise :D

Sunday I cranked out my univariate assignment really quickly because I was sick of homework at that point seeing as I wrote my Theory paper ALL week last week. I'm so over my assignments. Love the classes. Hate the homework.

Spring break is coming up in three weeks and midterms are up in two. I'm going to Philly to visit Swigman and live with her for the week. I think I mentioned that in the last post but just as a reminder. The week has only begun so I'll be sure to let you know how the rest goes. Laters!

1 comment:

  1. Valentine's Day was the predictable Americanized "Love Actually". It was one of those movies I wouldn't mind spending $8 for- one of many reasons why I love Dublin!
