Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I feel the pain

I can't even remember the last time I updated you. I have been rushing through each day just trying to keep up with time. Saturday was the last big thing that happened as I recall. Breakbeats threw a fund raising party and it was HOT!!!! It was called Break the Quake with the Breakbeats. We asked for donations at the door and raised over $320 for the Haiti Relief Fund. The night was filled with fun and LOTS of dancing. Sunday we all had practice and seriously thought that we were gonna die from the night before. We managed to get some stuff done though. Monday was hectic as well. I went from class to class like a zombie. I was on auto pilot just going through the motions and much to my surprise one of my classes let us out early so that we could go to the Haiti Teach-in (or something like that). So after sitting through that brainlessly for a half hour I went back to my room and KTFO'd (stolen from Justin :P) at around 6. Then I woke up at 11:30 because I was so hungry. Just my luck I'd wake up at a time when Dhall was closed. So I went back to sleep after drinking some water. I woke up again at 6 and watched TV for an hour or so before getting ready for class. I had already done my reading and other homework for today's class on Sunday night so I was so glad I was able to sleep that long. Today was supposed to be an easy day... Class from 9:40-12:30 (relatively easy classes to get through day in and day out) and then a riding lesson at 3. Much to my surprise I get an email saying "your practice times are..." and there it was under Tuesday nights at 7pm. I have to go to the barn twice on Tuesdays with only a few hours in between the times I need to be there. I can't exactly get homework done in that time, nor do I want to stay at the barn for 5 hours. What am I supposed to do?! And on top of that I have dance practice from 9-11. FML I go from the middle of the day until the late hours of the night to do physical activities with barely any time to eat. So much for an easy day after my hell day on Monday with respect to classes. Wednesday should be an easy day seeing as I go from dance to class to riding and I'm done by 8:30. But Thursdays are my truly lovely days. Class from 9:40-12:30 and then hopefully working at the mall until 8 so that I can get back to campus for Breakbeats practice from 8:30-10:30. Fridays aren't too bad either. Riding from 11:30-2:30 and then hopefully work after that. I guess it's safe to say that my schedule gets progressively easier throughout the week but I still think I'm gonna die in the middle of the week. I just get burnt out too easily. There's no way I'm gonna be able to keep this up ALL semester. It also doesn't help that I have Andrew asking for massages and saying stupid shit like "getting a handjob from someone while he's in a relationship with someone else isn't cheating" and TJ saying that I have fangs. WTF?! I have enough people checking up on me I really don't need any more and at this point in the day I really just want to strangle people who irritate me. So STOP IRRITATING ME!!!!!!!!! I've had a frustrating day, I'm PMSing, I miss Justin (not helping the PMS deal), I haven't eaten in 12 hours, I'm in a ridiculous amount of work out pain, and I'm gonna fall behind in my homework on the second week of classes. FML again!

Sometimes I just need to vent out my emotions but I don't always have the time to. Thanks for listening and probably enjoying my random rant of pains in my life at this current moment. Check back soon and there will be more.... Laters!

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