Wednesday, February 10, 2010

longest week everrrrrrr

This is only the third week?! FML So I was just given my first two assignments on Wednesday. One is due on Friday and the other is the Monday after next. I looked at my calender and was like this is only my first assignment wow.... oh wait we've only been in school for three weeks. I could've sworn it was at least the 5th or 6th week. I can't wait for spring break.... actually yea I can because I have no clue as to what I'm gonna do for break. But enough about the future... let's recap what happened in the past.

Monday-Wednesday: just classes, dance, and riding. Wednesday was an interesting day seeing as Andrew and I fought AGAIN. I really wish he would just leave me alone or at least stop annoying me on purpose.

Thursday: I had a job interview :) I went to Justice and had a kickin time proving that I should be hired. I really want a job at Gertrude Hawk Chocolates but hey I'll take what I can get.... I'll know by Monday if I got the job or not for Justice. Fingers crossed!!

Friday: spent ALL day at the barn. We were prepping for the show that we had today and it was stressful. I went to bed at like 7.... but then got woken up multiple times :(

Saturday: SUPER scary dream. It started out with me in the back seat of a car, Justin in the passenger seat and Shannon driving. We were going down the street kinda by wilson park near kahala but there were a few added streets in my dream that don't exist in real life. We pulled over because there were two cars on the side of the road. In one car was all of fab 5 minus me (so four girls) and Sean. In the other car was Jason. They got out and Carolyn and Erin were carrying laptops and were on facebook (random I know). I got out and hugged them because I hadn't seen them in a long time (apparently). Then Justin called me back over and I got back in the car and we started to drive off. But then I some how got out of the car and started running. There were these weird druggie looking guys watching me run and saying "running away from your friends? what's going on?" So I got scared because there was a car and an suv following me so I ran down a different street that had a light post in the middle of it so that the cars couldn't follow me. But then I stopped and saw that my grandma and uncle were driving the suv and I hopped in, idk who was in the other car. I asked if they could take me home and right as we were passing kahala mall onto the freeway Justin called me SUPER mad. He screamed "where the f*** are you girly?! are you insane?! do you WANT to die?!" and i told you calmly "I'm by kahala mall. I'll wait for you at the bus stop." But Justin was like "no don't get out of the car." So I didn't but my grandma stopped driving and we just sat in the car by the graveyard and then all of a sudden something hit the window I was sitting next to. Right as the window shattered in my dream the door to my room rattled in real life. so I woke up thinking that someone was at my door but my door tends to rattle when my neighbors' doors close and shake the walls.

I tend to get scary dreams when I'm stressed out. I guess that's what happens when you have a horse show the next day. But I won first place in my WALK TROT CANTER class!!!! cheeeee hoooooo :) Congrats to Amanda for being chosen as captain!! And congrats to everyone who won today!

Tomorrow is Valentine's day and I hate how so many people are making a big deal about it. As a Sociologist I don't like Vday because it's a hallmark holiday just so that a consumer society can be encouraged to consume more of the society. Justin is planning on doing something with me when I get home but otherwise I really don't like celebrating holidays that have no meaning behind them. Only 3 months until I go home and celebrate for a world of reasons with Justin :)

For now it's off to doing my reading to get caught up for Monday's hell day. I have to read 45 pages for Anthro, 30 pages for Theory, and two assignments to start. Wish me luck!! Laters

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