Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Happy Birthday!!!!

Sigh. Technically Jeremy's birthday is tomorrow but I have an exam tomorrow so I'm procrastinating now. Sooooo....

Jeremy isn't here to celebrate his birthday with me. His 21st birthday wasn't GREAT because he was in Australia and not with his friends... well he was with newly made friends, but it's just not the same you know?? And now he's in Tanzania with 19 high schoolers and his co-lead. Again, friends, but he's technically working, not with me, and it's just not the same. If he were with me, and I wasn't in school, I would plan so many things for him. I would make him breakfast in bed, take him out to lunch, get him really drunk just for the hell of it, and then either take him to a romantic dinner or make him a romantic dinner... either way, it would be one he remembered forever. I actually have made the cookies he loves so much. He may not be here but it was still the thought that counts. If he were here I wouldn't hide the cookies from him. I would let him eat as many as he wanted. I would give him a massage, make him lots of snacks, basically just treat him like a king. Aw man I miss him so much!! I wish so much that he could be here with me. I could throw him a birthday week!!!! Omg there is so much I would do for him. I can't wait to make your 23rd birthday the best birthday of your life, baby!!!! Hurry home so I can talk to you. A month of no contact is driving me insane. I saw you in my dream last night and when I woke up I felt like my heart was filled with rocks. Sigh. Again. I hope you're having an amazing time in Tanzania and I can't wait until I can hear your voice and see your incredibly cute face again.

Thanks for reading everyone!! Keep on the look-out for more updates of what's going on in my life. Until then... Laters.

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