Thursday, July 15, 2010


I GOT TO TALK TO JEREMY!!!!!!!! He called me. It was a really really weird number so I was hesitant to answer the phone. But I answered and after a second and a half of silence he said "hey babe." I was totally and utterly shocked!!!!!! I couldn't believe it. First I said "oh my god!!" and then I burst into tears. I just can't believe I was able to talk to him in AFRICA!!!! We chatted a little but he had to go to bed and besides international calling is expensive. So I couldn't really talk to him, but it was nice to hear his voice :) Sorry that you had to listen to me cry almost the entire time, babe!! I love you so much. Thanks for such a perfect surprise :)

I took my first psych exam today and it wasn't too bad. I'm pretty sure I got 6 points off since I got 2 multiple choice questions wrong and each one is worth 3 points.... fml. I get the test back on Monday so we'll see. I didn't work today but my apartment flooded yesterday so I'm still working on cleaning that up. There are still a ton of wet spots that when I step in it there's a squishy sound.... after I clean the spot, I wait a few hours and then step in it again and AGAIN it squishes. There is SOMETHING wrong with my floor... it just keeps absorbing water!!! wtf?!?!

Tomorrow: I get to work from 1-4 :D and have I mentioned I LOVE my job :) and then either before or after work I'm going to dance so that I can get the video for Jeremy done. I'm helping out with a scavenger hunt on Saturday and I really really really wanna go hiking on Sunday.... Anyone wanna go?? *sigh* I'll let you know on Monday what happens with my weekend and test. I'm so happy I could talk to my Love <3 I miss you so much, sweetie!! I'll talk to you soon. Everyone else, until then..... Laters!

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