Thursday, December 23, 2010

Greetings from the 808

Hey everyone!! Exciting news :D I got home safely.... AND on the same day I left. This is one of the first times I've gotten home when I was supposed to!! The flights were close together and I got to the gate just as they were boarding and on the last flight I literally got there as they were calling final call. PHEW!! What a close one :P But hey I made it all and I'm home at last. Granted I'm jet lagged and I have been up for the last half hour.... it's 6:22 am.... LAME!!

Agenda today:
*Lie out by the pool to try and get some color in my skin again.
*Work at the arena at the UH men's basketball game (Come visit me!!)

Tomorrow is Christmas eve and I'm so excited!! I get to meet Ryden, my cousin's baby. And then we're into Christmas and New Year's and before you know it, I'll be headed out to DC!! I can't wait to get out of this house again. It's crazy crowded and WAY too hard to clean because we just have too much stuff. *Sigh* Welcome home... haha It's so hot here. But that's what you get when you come home to Hawaii for winter break. Well I don't really have much else to share with you... So happy holidays everyone!! I'll be sure to update you if/when things come up. Until then... Laters!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Bored at work

Hey everyone!! I'm bored at work again.... So here's my random thought process as it comes to me:

It's officially the first day of study days and I have yet to figure out what to do with my time. I have my senior sem paper to finish but the second draft is already being edited and I'm just waiting on the comments so that I can revise it.

It's really warm out and I seriously think it's colder in the office than outside.

My boss sent me this link: In case anyone was interested in what I do at my job.... I research case hearings such as these :P

I have to go get a video off a VHS and put it onto the hard drive... I didn't know that video tapes still existed :P

Yesterday the house hung out with Chris... it was HILARIOUS!! Apparently our house is the most hospitable house he's visited. Not our fault we just wanted to get rid of our alcohol and food haha.

I made pancakes this morning :D It was amazing. I can't wait to go home and eat pizza quesadillas :) And then go babysit for another $20. Excited!!

Speaking of money... Pay day is Friday!!!!

OK I think that's all I have to say for now. I'll probably update you again soon. Until then... Laters!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Happy end of classes everyone!!

Yesterday was the end of the classes and it was an amazing night. I went out to Karen's house and had a few laughs then I went to my glowsticking performance for the Drastics. That was SOOO much fun!!!! I whacked myself a couple of times but it wasn't too bad. Then I came home and had a pina colada, an cranberry orange juice/vodka mix, AND a White Russian. It was an amazing night. I ended up watching Raise Your Voice and Eight Below with Maria. Raisa was in and out of the house. I also drunk dialed Tony Stark and texted J3 and Fink all night :) It was great. I ended up going to bed around 3.

This morning I went to see Love and Other Drugs. It was AWESOME!! I loved the movie so much. Everyone should see it. Then I came home and had a glass of wine with dinner... yes I am typing this update on one glass of wine... yes I am red in the face and slightly slower... welcome to the end of classes before study days!!

Tomorrow is the holiday party event for athletes to run the day care portion :) I love this event!! It's so cute to see them get all excited to be there while their parents are at the holiday party. The riding team will be working with the basketball and lacrosse teams. I also have to get some work done :/ LAME!! I have a paper due Tuesday and I wanna do some workshops up at South High before I leave. I also HAVE to work as much as possible before I leave. I can't wait to get paid next week :D Damn, I actually have kind of a lot to do. Weird. I didn't think I had that much to do. Oh well... There's TONS of time to get everything done. I don't really have anything else to update you all on so I guess the next time I update you will be when I'm home. Until then... Laters!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Weekend Successes

This weekend was a busy one! Here are some high/low lights :)

Friday: I went to the dentist and got my teeth all prettied up.... too bad I'm still in braces. But soon enough, I will have a pretty smile. Of course that does NOT mean that I will have real teeth.... my teeth are so weak that I'm SUPER prone to cavities :( Not my fault but it's def not fair!! I take really good care of my teeth!! At the end of the day it was night time for the HOCKEY GAME!!!!! It was such a great game!! 1000 people showed and we all cheered our hardest. I lost my voice that night haha Skidmore ended up winning 7-6 against Bowdoin in OT. SUCH A GREAT GAME!!!!!! hahaha It was a pretty exciting start to the most exhausting weekend of the semester.

Saturday: In the early evening I went to help out with conflict coaching training. That was pretty fun. The group learned a lot in the 3 hours we were together and I would put my faith into them to coach me through a conflict :) Good job Fight Club!! Then it was time to get home and get dressed for Jr Ring. I had the BEST time at Jr Ring. I dressed up and played mine field/land mines with Maria and Raisa. We all had a blast. Then Raisa and I left for the ball while Maria stayed home (she doesn't like dancing or going out much). The ball was Disney themed and surprisingly it was really tame for the Jr Ring event. I lost Raisa a ways in and ended up hanging out with a few SkidBros who I've made friends with over the years. I found a few riding teammates but ultimately ended up having Hockey Boy (yes this is what I call him) walk me back home. On the way back to Nwoods we ran into a bunch of other people I had never talked to before so I made some new friends (most were baseball boys and their following girls). Raisa and Anisha had already made it back so it was all good.

Sunday: I woke up MAJORLY sore. Note to self... don't go all out at a dance if you haven't danced in months... TERRIBLE IDEA!!!! lol. I got started on my presentation preparations after accompanying someone back home.... *note: this was not my walk of shame.... it was someone else's who needed a ride home and I'm the only one with a car in our house. Anyway :P I worked on my presentation and paper for Senior Sem all day and all night until about 10, then I went to bed. It was a stressful night because I was so nervous for my presentation!! At one point I was so exhausted that I walked straight into a wall. It was awful lol. The up side was that I got it all done before 10 and was able to get some sleep last night.

Today: I gave my presentation for Senior Sem and it went alright. I uploaded the wrong version of my powerpoint so that was pretty crap. But it's not graded so it's OK. I'm still pretty pissed about it :/ I'm also losing feeling in my feet from my heels I decided to wear today :( Stupid idea to wear heels when it's snowing (yes I admit I knew that it would snow when I decided to wear the heels but they're just so pretty)!!

So that's the end of my update for this weekend. There's a hockey game on tomorrow. Anyone wanna go?? Even if it's just for a period or two?? I really wanna go but it's on a Tuesday at 7, and I have breakbeats at 9. Does anyone wanna go... PLEASE??? I'm pretty excited for my semester to be coming to an end but in all honesty this has been one of my more tame semesters. Probably because I haven't gone out much :/ What ever, you win some you lose some right?? Next semester I'll take advantage of my free schedule by going to ALLLL the home games for Hockey, Lax, and Baseball :) Who wants to go with me?? Lol well, that's all I have to update you on. I'll be sure to update you about my end of classes weekend :D Until then... Laters!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Busy Busy Me

Wow, being at work on a Friday afternoon is significantly more quiet than being here on a Monday afternoon or a Tuesday/Thursday morning. So I'm going to use this time to update my blog a little more thoroughly than I did yesterday. So here's the scoop:

For spring break I was supposed to drive from NY to OR/WA and back. But someone, who shall remain nameless, bailed on me. So I had to find either someone else to drive with, or something else to do altogether. I asked Jen but her parents were hesitant since she's leaving for Japan for the semester. For the first time fate has actually been kind to me!! I reconnected with Jeremy aka Fink. We've been talking since Monday and I mentioned that I had nothing to do for spring break. He suggested I visit him in San Francisco. Not a bad idea!! I really miss him and all the crazy times we had in Education class. We (the class not just us) used to draw in my notebook and I still have that collage of doodles lol. He used to play this game where he spun a pen and who ever it landed on had to do things. Once he said, "Who ever this pen lands on has to make out with me." Of course it lands on me!! Go figure. It's not like I bought into it or anything, it was just something that we bonded over because it was a funny incident. Another funny incident we bonded over was the fact that we both studied abroad in Australia (different years and cities though) and we had actually met my freshman year-his sophomore year-we just didn't really remember it because it was embarrassing for me haha. Anyway, now I have a new plan for spring break: fly to SF, stay with him for a couple days, then drive up to OR/WA with my sister/parents/all three. Then I fly back to school, they fly home and I will have gotten to see my not so long lost friend :) OK I know some of you must be thinking that it's sick that my ex who I was so desperately in love with and this new guy are both named Jeremy.... but in all honesty... Fink came before J3. I turned down the Skidmore Jeremy so that things with the Oregon Jeremy could happen. I'm not saying that I want things to happen long term with the Skidmore Jeremy now, I'm just filling you in on the history. I'm finally over J3 and enjoying life as a single woman (mildly) so I doubt I'll let a guy get me all upset and depressed for a while. At least not until I'm ready to get back into a relationship. I'm not gonna lie though... Skidmore Jeremy is so attractive!! :P

Moving on: Tonight I'm going to a hockey game :D Yes yes I know, "ME?!?!? GOING TO A HOCKEY GAME?!?!" I actually like the sporting atmosphere, I just never have anyone to go with, so I just don't go. But I have a friend to go with tonight :D YAY!! Also, hockey guys are hot... ergo I'm going for the hot hockey guys :P
Tomorrow I have conflict coaching training (I'm already trained but I wanna go help out with the training). That should be fairly fun seeing as Nick is running it. He's so passionate about this, it's amazing. Then at night it's Jr Ring!!! For those of you who don't know what Jr Ring is, it's Skidmore's Winter ball. This year the theme is DISNEY!!!!! Seriously, it's like made for me!! Normally I wouldn't go, but it's my last year and it's Disney. I HAVE to go.
Lastly, Monday is my presentation for Senior Sem!!!!! remember all those posts where I'm bit*hing about it?? Yea it's finally all going to pay off. I present at 10:10 about the restorative justice process on college campuses. SO STOKED!!!! I can't wait. I'm so nervous about it though. I'm not generally a nervous presenter but it's something I've been working on for so long that I'm just like wth am I even looking at anymore?!?! I sent a draft to my family to look over because I was supposed to but I have a feeling that it may actually help. Idk we'll see.

Other news.... It's finally down to high 30s this week. It was weird when it was December and 56 degrees and RAINING!!!! I played in the rain of course :) I think that's all I can think of now.... BTW people should follow me on twitter @vixey_gurl808. For now I'm out but I'll let you know how the weekend turns out!! Until then... Laters.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Super Quick Update

Hey everyone so here's my stressful news in less than 10 minutes:

I went to the dentist this morning. I brush my teeth twice a day, floss, and use mouth wash.... EVERY DAY!!!!! But of course, I have weak enamel and acidic saliva (more acidic than the average person) so I have 5 cavities. I didn't even know I had teeth left to have cavities in!! Apparently my molars have deeper grooves than other peoples so even though I'm doing all I can to prevent cavities, it won't help me any. So basically it's all a waste of my time because no matter what I do, I'm still never going to be able to go to the dentist and leave without having to make another appointment for later that week. FML. Just once, I want to have a beautiful smile.... but NOOOOOO I have too many problems with my teeth!!!!!!!

Tonight I have to finish up the group paper for Prejudice and Xenophobia because basically I have higher expectations for this class than everyone else except maybe Emily. We're both in Senior Sem and expect this paper to look like the one we've been working on for Senior Sem even though that's really not going to happen. So far this paper is half the length of my other paper, has no control variable, and has been worked on for literally a week total. Again, FML!!!

Tomorrow I have to go get my cavities filled which is taking me away from work.... AGAIN!! I also have to go to a stupid pointless unnecessary meeting for SO377 for next semester... Why couldn't we just have it during class?! Then I wouldn't have to leave work, go to the dentist, and then rush back for this stupid meeting?? UGH.... I hate this week. It's rapidly turning into the worst, most stressful week of the semester and it's already Thursday!! AHHHHHHHHH

Well on the plus side, the phrase work hard party hard is going to actually pertain to me for once. I'm going to a hockey game tomorrow because I finally found a friend to go with.... Granted she's a freshman and I'll be going with a group of Freshman girls but hey going with them is better than missing out on some fun. Also Jr Ring is Saturday and I can't wait. The theme is Disney and this is the last winter formal I'll get to go to for the rest of my life unless I wanna be a creeper and go to one when I'm old (NO THANKS). I didn't go to JR ring my sophomore or junior year so I guess this is a nice full circle way to end my time at Skidmore. I wish I had a date though :/ Jeremy aka fink (Not J3 my ex, a different Jeremy) would have been my date if he were here, but no he graduated... LAME!! oh well. I might be visiting him for spring break btw :) but more on that later. Now I have to run to class. Until then... Laters!