Saturday, December 11, 2010

Happy end of classes everyone!!

Yesterday was the end of the classes and it was an amazing night. I went out to Karen's house and had a few laughs then I went to my glowsticking performance for the Drastics. That was SOOO much fun!!!! I whacked myself a couple of times but it wasn't too bad. Then I came home and had a pina colada, an cranberry orange juice/vodka mix, AND a White Russian. It was an amazing night. I ended up watching Raise Your Voice and Eight Below with Maria. Raisa was in and out of the house. I also drunk dialed Tony Stark and texted J3 and Fink all night :) It was great. I ended up going to bed around 3.

This morning I went to see Love and Other Drugs. It was AWESOME!! I loved the movie so much. Everyone should see it. Then I came home and had a glass of wine with dinner... yes I am typing this update on one glass of wine... yes I am red in the face and slightly slower... welcome to the end of classes before study days!!

Tomorrow is the holiday party event for athletes to run the day care portion :) I love this event!! It's so cute to see them get all excited to be there while their parents are at the holiday party. The riding team will be working with the basketball and lacrosse teams. I also have to get some work done :/ LAME!! I have a paper due Tuesday and I wanna do some workshops up at South High before I leave. I also HAVE to work as much as possible before I leave. I can't wait to get paid next week :D Damn, I actually have kind of a lot to do. Weird. I didn't think I had that much to do. Oh well... There's TONS of time to get everything done. I don't really have anything else to update you all on so I guess the next time I update you will be when I'm home. Until then... Laters!

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