Friday, January 8, 2010

2010 brings new options

Since the new year started I've been going non stop everyday!!

Sunday: I went to the pampered chef demo so that I could learn how to cook. I was supposed to go to Mrs. Young's ward for church but I decided learning how to cook was more important ;) She told me later that there were 25 young single men in her class that she teaches and had I been there I could've found my future husband X( I'm going next Sunday (I think) because otherwise her and Febray will give me a hard time again if I don't. Later that day I went out to Ward with Kelso and Fab5 minus Carolyn. We spent hours talking and catching up. Then we went to Mandi's house to play Wii for a couple of hours. We played brawl (coughcough Nick and Raisa) and Mario bros (coughcough Hugh and Rupert). That was the end of that night and I went home around 12.

Monday: I was supposed to hang out with Troy in the morning but he had to cancel on me. So I stayed at home and I'm pretty sure this is the day that I locked myself out of the house. I had to call my dad and to drive home to give me his set of keys... OOPS!! Later that night I went out with Nick. He hasn't changed at all. I have so it kinda irritated me that he was still at the same level of maturity as when I last saw him two years ago. Back when we were in high school I enjoyed his fun loving side but now I'm not so sure. He's like dessert... only good in small doses. He's still attractive like he was in high school, he's just not quite my type any more (I'm not into players anymore... damnit Adam! You made me like nice guys. lol Jk I love it). I was home by 10:30... sad my life!

Tuesday: I was supposed to hang out with Isaac during the day because I decided to change my riding time to the afternoon so that Mommy could go watch. He had to cancel on me because of work. So I chilled during the day. When I went riding it was raining. Miserable day but was a pretty good ride still yet. After that we went to Grandma's house to start working on the campaign table cloths. I drew sooooooooooo many stars of various sizes and then I made 12 designs for them. I drew the stars, Dad and Grandma cut the stars, I placed the stars, Mom ironed the stars onto the table cloth, Aunty Sandy sewed them on, and then I ironed the final product. This process for all twelve designs took two nights. We went home every night around 12. It was exhausting!!

Wednesday: BEACH DAY!!!!! too bad it was raining in the morning. I picked up Mandi and then Dane. We were supposed to go to the beach but it was overcast and rainy. Erin and Leanna were with us too. So we all went back to my apt. We swam in the pool and hung out in the jaccuzi and then went to play pool. While we were in the jaccuzi Kelso texted and asked if we were going to Sherwoods. It's raining!! No thanks!! Who ever was at Sherwoods had made 400 water balloons for trench warfare. CRAZY KIDS!! But our day had to end in like 4 hours so if we went we would only be there for like 3 hours... not worth it :/ Anyway.... as we were playing pool the sun came out and the sky was BEAUTIFUL!!! So we went back to the beach and hung out there for an hour before we had to leave. Then I went to work on the table cloths again....

Thursday: I went riding in the morning and say Chelsea!!! So exciting. She was on Moon and almost got bucked off. My favorite quote... Chelsea said "please be nice I don't wanna die today!!" and my reply was "yea as if you wanna die any other day?!" lol it was so funny while we were both riding horses that were a little tempermental. Popcorn was actually really nice that day. He spooked a couple times but not too bad and he tripped so many times I swear he was intoxicated :P That was the greatest ride I had at the barn that day. I felt stronger and I think I'm ready to go back to Skidmore to ride for the team again :D Later that day I picked up my mom as I usually do and then we went to the arena to work. We are scheduled to work this night, Friday night, and Saturday night!! ARGH!!!! No variety in food choice :( oh well. I love working because I have so much fun (weird huh?). Everyone keeps asking me why I'm still working but when you're mom is the coordinator of fund raising you don't really have a choice. All the credits that I work up go to her and she uses them to go on the Drill Team trips. So I'm basically working for her to travel.... HOW'S THAT?! nah Jk It's cool I love working with my friends from Drill.

I have a dinner date (sorta) with Justin on Sunday.... Yes sophomore dream guy Justin!! lol I've had a crush on him since I went out with Yu but because they were friends I never tried to go after him. We have had some interesting conversations in the past and not sure how seeing him in person after 3 years will go. Pretty exciting. Hopefully we don't have the same situation as the Nick date. It's a one time thing so there's no pressure or anything. But I'm still socially awkward and he's gonna make it hard for me to open up. I hate dates. I just want the perfect guy to fall into my lap and say I'm your soul mate, marry me! But according to my guy fast all I can do is date. I can't make a relationship or hook up with anyone so it's a safe bet that marriage is pretty much out of the ball park as well :P Until I see Raisa again I'm stuck in good girl zone... Raisa hurry up and come home!!!!! lol Well that's all the updates I have for you. Keep coming back and I'll let you know how everything goes. Laters!

1 comment:

  1. The idea of dating bores me. Then again, what do I know :P

    FYI I'm opening my blog sometime tonight (hence why I'm on yours). Plus I'll be gone for five months and that can either go by super quickly or painfully- you better behave or else I think the fair punishment is an extra $20 to the pot? lol
