Wednesday, January 27, 2010

busy busy me!

Classes have started and let me tell you... this is DEFINITELY my hardest semester of my life!!!! I have 17 credits, soon to be 18, with a total of 6 classes and two team activities.

Monday's are my worst. I start at 9:30 with Jazz Theater (best class ever). That ends at 11 and I have to haul ass across campus for my 11:15 class, . That ends at 12:10 which then takes me to my next class at 12:20, Social Statistics Lab. I get a break at 1:15 when that finishes assuming I've finished my work for that class. Then I head over to Social Statistics class at 2:30 until 3:50. After that at 4:00 I have Social Theory until 5:50. Then I'm off to my room to do my reading for the next day.

Tuesday's are decent. I have 9:40 Intro to Teaching until 11:00. Then at 11:10 I have Intro to Social and Cultural Antho. Then I have a break until 2:30 when I need to head over to the barn to ride my troubles away :) I'm essentially done after riding until 9pm when I have Breakbeats practice. That finishes around 11 but of course we always go over time so it's like being done at 11:30/12/when ever the gym kicks us out. Thursday's are the same as Tuesday's minus the riding lesson (so far. I might add a practice ride for fun). Breakbeats practice from 8:30 to 11 and I get home around 11:30/12.

Wednesday's are headed towards my favorite day of the week. I have 9:30 Jazz Theater until 11:00. Then I have a break until 2:30 which is when I have Stats, and then at 4 I have Theory. The discussions in both of those classes are pretty good so far which is why it's potentially my favorite day.

Friday's are free of classes for the most part. I have a riding lesson at 12 and hopefully I'll be able to get a job that will allow me to get my hours done on mostly weekends.

Theory is an INSANE class. We're reading about all these sociologists and theorists and the reading from Monday night took me 4 hours to get through!! I didn't have the class until Wednesday so hopefully that will give me an idea of how to manage my time better. All of my classes require me to read multiple books and I have a feeling I may mix up the readings. I have 40-50 pages of reading for Anthro, intro to teaching, and Stats. I have 100-150 pages of reading for Theory. So any given day from Monday to Friday I will have to read three courses worth of assignments. Most of my classes are 15% or more for participation. There aren't too many assignments outside of that except for Theory when I have four 20% papers to write. I have a lot one midterm/exam and two take home exams. Intro to Teaching hasn't given us a syllabus yet so I'm not sure what the grading scale is like for that class. I can already see myself stressing out over Theory since it's so important for me to get at least an A-. I feel so dumb when Cindy congratulates everyone in the Thoroughbred society and I'm sitting there going I'm the ONLY team member who has a GPA below 3.4. Ugh! This is ridiculous. Well at least I have dance to burn off some steam. Granted I have injuries left and right, but hey that's the life of an athlete/dancer right?? I want to know what my practice schedule is like already so that I can rearrange my homework schedule accordingly. So far I'm finishing before midnight but what happens when I throw night practices in there. Will I be able to finish my assignments ahead of time?? or ON time for that matter??

Baby if you're reading this please prep yourself for frequent panic attacks to your girlfriend throughout the semester. You'll be the first I run to crying when I'm feeling incredibly hopeless and overwhelmed.

As for everyone else... I'm not sure when I'll be able to update again... well maybe weekends, we'll see. But keep checking back for the freak outs of yours truly. Laters!

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