Sunday, January 17, 2010

bring on the hard work

academically AND relationship wise :) Last night was my second date with Justin. We went to Auntie Pasto and then watched a couple movies at his place. We watched Fame (nothing like the musical on Broadway) and The Hangover (f'n hilarious!!). Then we talked and reminisced about high school years and other stories that kept me smiling all night. Then we talked about what kind of girlfriend I am compared to what kind of daughter I am. That lead us into a relationship. Yes ladies and gentlemen I am officially taken again (fingers crossed this one will work out). I now have two incentives to come home thanks to Justin. There's so much for me to look forward to and so much for me to dread this semester.... here's a list:

Looking forward to:
1) Equestrian team/possibly showing
2) Decorating/rearranging my room for a fresh start
3) Break Beats (maybe)
4) 18 wonderful credit hours of class time to bury myself in once I get started
5) Working at the mall as many hours as possible to keep me busy
6) Friday's off=more time to possibly work
7) The idea of Hugh and Davies coming to visit me in May!!
8) Finishing the school year in mid May to come home for my birthday and to see Justin.

1) A full semester of hard work in 18 credits worth of classes to get my straight A's
2) No friends because they're all abroad (Raisa/Maria that's for you)
3) 5 months away from Justin :P
4) Being all alone in the FREEZING cold weather

*sigh* I'll have a blast this semester because I'm going back to Skidmore and I can visit people on the weekends... AKA Swigman at F&M and Sarah at UConn and Gus Gus at North Eastern and Jamie at Skid (well she's coming to me because she lives in Toga). So I have lots of friends to hang with they just don't go to my school... FML lol that's ok. I should focus on school work anyway. I will work out a lot and get in really good shape so that when I come home I won't get any of those what-happened-to-you comments :P Speaking of working out... I did insanity yesterday. I woke up this morning and seriously didn't know how I was gonna get out of bed. I jumped down and almost collapsed because I was soooooo sore when I landed. My calves are so tight and my back and my abs are ready to scream bloody murder. I'm in SOOO much pain!!!! But I love it :P I'm gonna be sore for the next three days!! *sigh* again. lol I think that's all the updates I have for now. I went through a minor breakdown again on Friday but that's old news already. If it happens again you'll be the first to know. Promise :) Until next time!! Laters

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