Saturday, November 21, 2009

The last post in Australia

Today is my last day in the greatest country I've ever lived in :( The last three nights here were amazing. On Thursday my farewell pub crawl was CRAZY!! I had so much fun and my friends all helped to make my last drunken night one to remember.... too bad I can't remember much of it haha. I remember starting off at Le Chat Noir and then headed to ICBM. I was absolutely drenched in sweat! It was so hot everywhere we went. I was an absolute mess but had SO MUCH FUN!

On Friday when I woke up I was COMPLETELY still drunk. I spent all day in my bed because I couldn't move, I was too tired. I had to say good bye to so many people that I spent a good portion of my day crying. The handful of people left at Burgmann decided we wanted to watch Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince in the common room. We spent our last night together in a quiet but hot room.

Saturday was the day that I absolutely had to pack. I put everything away and realized that it was a lot harder than I had imagined. I managed to put all my stuff into my bags and clean up my room. Then Adam called and we went out for the last time together. He took me to a $50 performance of a combination of aboriginal and contemporary dancing. It was called fire and it was AMAZING!!!!! I'm so thankful that he took me to it because it was a night worth remembering. After the show we went to Red Hill to see the lights of Canberra. It was so beautiful and I'll never forget it. It was the perfect way to end my time in Australia. I can't believe my time is nearly up. I will be back and all you Aussies can look forward to my causing trouble in Oz again :P I love you all and below are a few shout outs to some of my closest friends.

Adam: You've taught me in more ways than I can count. I can't wait to come back to see what we can be. IMYA Xx
Ben: It was so great to get to know you this semester! Thanks for all the meals and laughs.
Carla: You're an amazing athlete and a quick learner in gymnastics. I'm sorry we weren't able to hang out much this semester.
Davies: You're the first person to meet me and Swigman at Burgmann. Thanks for being the awesome friend you are.
Foster: Thanks for all the ridiculous mornings when I would stare at you in absolute confusion while you just smiled and laughed at me for something I did the night before lol. I'm gonna miss you crazy boy!
Gabi: Good luck in all your science courses and with everything in general. I'll miss being in blue planet with you! Keep paving the road for me and my Aussie boys ;)
Hugh: Thanks for always keeping me sane and giving me the awesome tough love that I so desperately need :P
Hinchy: I'm sorry to say that I wasn't able to get to know you better. You're one of the most beautiful girls I've ever met in my life. Take care love!
Jarrod: You're a great soccer player and an even better friend. You've always been so nice to me.
JD: GEO NERD!!!!! Don't forget me ok? You know I'll always remember the vent sessions and random night walks :)
Jeffsy: Oh my dear, how you've taught me so much about being "Australian" :P You were a great friend and I'm glad I got to know you early on in the semester.
John Daly: JOHN DALY JOHN DALY!! You'll always be my favorite Cadbury to hang with :) KIT
Josh: I'm gonna miss that awesome hair of yours, not to mention you as a person as well. I will never forget you Hartnett ;)
Peter: AHHHHH!! Just imagining you shocked me AGAIN. I'll never forget you Pete. Keep in touch!
Schwebel: Schwebel rebel!! Even though you're not a rebel lol. I'm so thrilled to have you as a friend. Make sure you stay safe and take lots of pictures in Canada and America so that I can see your adventures!
Stephen: Priest-kun! You're more Asian than I am and I can accept that. Keep up the good work in life and practice with me sometime :D
My other half :) I'm so glad I met you here. I'll be sure to visit when I get my CAR next year :D love you girlie.
Tara: I was so thrilled to learn that you were in my Anth class this past semester. I absolutely loved hanging out with you. I'll miss you heaps!
Tom: Thanks for keeping me in your drawer next semester ;) Be sure to feed me!!

I love you all and will never forget any of you! Make sure you remember me! Until I get home Xx

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