Friday, November 13, 2009

a trifecta weekend??

Thursday night:
I was DYING to go out on Thursday night. I messaged Jeremy to find out who he was going out with. I went to Gabi's room and had to convince her that she wanted to go out. Then when we were getting ready to go out and Peter and JD met up with us in Gabi's room. On our way out we ran into Josh on his way out and he came along with us. We went to North Bar and had a few drinks there. Then we went to ICBM and danced and had a few more drinks.... you can only imagine how drunk I got. But on the plus side I managed to get Josh hooked on my second favorite drink.... Vodka sunrise :) Then we went to shooters for some more drinks. Then the gang decided to go home and I met up with Adam. He introduced me to more friends but I don't really remember them. At some point in the night Jeremy left us and I saw him at Moose and he called me thinking that some random guy had picked me up. I didn't drink the rest of the night after meeting up with Adam. We just stood around with his friends. From what I can remember it was an amazing night out.

I woke up slightly hung over. After I got over it at lunch I went to a review class. My prof brought us cake since we had to come in during exams :D yummy yummy cake!! Then I went back to my room and just hung out until dinner. At dinner I found some people going to the farewell party. I had to tag along with them because I had no idea where to go. On my way up to see who was ready to go I got snagged by Peter and Hugh. I was literally picked up off my feet and carried me down B block stairs by Peter. A group of us headed over to the party and on the way there Adam called me to see if I wanted to hang out with him. Of course I said yes and he picked me up a couple hours later. He took me over to his friend's house where we went swimming and hung out in her hot tub. The girl to guy ratio was pretty damn hilarious. Mel and I were the only girls and there were 6 guys. It was a lot of fun. Talking and hanging out with Adam always puts a smile on my face. I get a lot of shit from all my friends at Burgmann because he was my dance teacher. Even people at Skidmore get on my case about "sleeping with the teacher." I like him a lot and I really wish I didn't have to go in a week because he is so great to me and it feels so right to be with him. But hey meeting the greatest guy always happens right before I have to leave somewhere. Story of my life. I REALLY wish I didn't have commitment issues. I'm afraid to do anything with him because I don't wanna get emotionally attached (I'm leaving in a week!!). But I also don't wanna leave without letting him know just how much he means to me. Should I give into my wants and just deal with the pain later? or should I avoid the bad by not having the good? I wish I knew. After I go out tonight I'll be sure to update you about my decision. My drunken hook ups are always the most honest hook ups I have. So I'll just get pretty drunk and see where my mind takes me without me thinking too much. Wish me luck! Laters.

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