Monday, November 30, 2009

home again home agin jigidy jig

I'm back from the beach house! I spent a good 5 days of relaxing and eating. I slept about 12 hours last night. I didn't spend much time outside because it was overcast, windy, rainy, and cold. Anri came and visited for a little while. Yes, Australian Anri!! She was on vaca with her mom and dad and stopped by the beach house for dessert after lunch. It was nice to see her again and we hung out a little. Then Noe came and slept over from Thursday to Friday night and we just hung out until practice on Friday. I was supposed to drive Noe and I back into town by myself but I forgot my license at home so I had to have Aunty Sandy drive us in. Then we (my mom, aunty, and I) all drove back out to the beach house. I ended up going to sleep outside in the hammock and it was quite possibly one of the BEST sleeps I've had in my life. In the morning I woke up and got ready for practice. I went to pointe and saw Bridgette (my favorite pointe teacher in the WHOLE world!!). After practice I went back out to the beach house. Now I'm back home and have a full list of things to do. I need to mail out heaps of presents for people I won't be seeing for a while. So upsetting that I won't be seeing Raisa for another semester!!!! and I won't be seeing Adam for another two years!!!! hmph... :( Anyways, going on with my list... I need to continue to work on my dance and flexibility for my performances; I have to apply to more places to work because borders hasn't gotten back to me yet; I really need to get in touch with the barn to I can get riding; and last but not least, I need to visit MPI and all my FABULOUS teachers from high school. I wanna make time to hang out with everyone as well but you know how anti I get when I'm home. Not to mention how much dance I'll be doing. So far my time home has been pretty boring and slow going. Hopefully more things will happen that is blog worthy. Otherwise I have absolutely nothing else to say. Until then, Laterz!

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